Birzeit University

Barred Entry of Foreign Academics Hindering Palestinian Education

IMEMC News & Agencies | August 3, 2018 The Campaign for the Right to Enter the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Thursday, expressed deep concern at the rise in Israeli denial, of work or stay visa applications, for foreign nationals seeking to enter the occupied territories, saying this measure is hurting Palestinian education. The group said, in […]

Israeli soldiers pose as news crew to abduct student leader from West Bank university

RT | March 8, 2018 Disguised Israeli forces have stormed Birzeit University in the occupied West Bank and seized the head of the university’s student council. Two students were reportedly injured by gunfire during the raid. Omar Kiswani was taken by soldiers who reportedly posed as journalists. The university posted footage of Wednesday’s raid online, […]

Undercover Israeli forces detain 2 students from Birzeit University

Ma’an – February 2, 2017 RAMALLAH – Israeli special forces disguised themselves as Palestinians and “kidnapped” two Palestinian students at the entrance of Birzeit University in the occupied West Bank district of Ramallah on Thursday afternoon, according to a statement released by the university. The two students were identified as Tawfiq Abu Arqub, a coordinator […]

Israeli forces ‘wreak havoc’ in Birzeit University raid

Ma’an – December 14, 2016 RAMALLAH – More than 20 Israeli military vehicles raided the campus of Birzeit University in the central occupied West Bank district of Ramallah before dawn on Wednesday, with Israeli forces “leaving a great deal of havoc” in their wake, an official university statement said. After storming the campus through its […]

Birzeit University Condemns Denial of Entry to UK Academic

Birzeit University Official Statement – September 17, 2016 Birzeit University condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the denial of entry to Dr. Adam Hanieh, who was invited by the Ph.D. Program in the Social Sciences at Birzeit University to deliver a series of lectures at the university. Dr. Hanieh, a Senior Lecturer in the Department […]

Hamas bloc wins over student vote in Birzeit University elections

Ma’an – April 28, 2016 RAMALLAH – A student bloc of the Hamas movement on Wednesday came out on top in the closely-followed elections at Birzeit University in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah. Following debates between factions vying for the student vote, the pro-Hamas al-Wafaa Islamic bloc claimed victory after gaining 25 seats, […]

Israeli forces raid, confiscate items from Jenin-area university

Ma’an – March 22, 2016 JENIN – Israeli forces overnight Monday raided the campus of the Arab American University in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin and confiscated items — including computers and flags — from student union offices. The university’s public relations department told Ma’an that 11 Israeli military vehicles stormed the campus […]

Israeli forces raid Tulkarem-area university twice in 18 hours

Ma’an – March 15, 2016 TULKAREM – Israeli forces on Tuesday raided al-Khadouri University in the northern occupied West Bank district of Tulkarem for the second consecutive day, the university’s administration said in a statement. The administration said Israeli forces raided the university on Monday, forcing staff to open the main doors of the university’s […]