
Lee Camp: America’s Impressive History of Bioweapons Attacks Against Its Own People

Forget China-bashing conspiracy theories, let's look at the fogging of SF, the microbial attack on the NYC subway and other unpleasantries perpetrated by the CIA and US military in our not-so-distant past
The post Lee Camp: America’s Impressive History of Bioweapons Attacks Against Its Own People appeared first on MintPress News.

Batty Bioweapons, 5G, and Star Wars

An interview with myself, Paul Haeder, a radical Marxist from the Pacific Northwest and my ideas about what is going on to drive the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Great Reset. It’s not pretty, for sure, how I go all crazy and fugue like, in the interview (man, the lack of teaching 30 students face […]
The post Batty Bioweapons, 5G, and Star Wars first appeared on Dissident Voice.