Bill Maher

Should Billionaires Be Taxed Out Of Existence? Let's Look At The Science

American billionaires pay virtually no taxes in relation to the amount of wealth they have accumulated. We usually read about it-- if ever-- in regard to the unconscionable and growing wealth back in our country. Income inequality is starting to come up, albeit just barely, as a topic of discussion among political elites. But this weekend, the NY Times pointed to another consequence: the privatization of scientific research.

Will The Republican War On Science Lead To A Paul Broun Victory In Georgia?

Friday, Alan Grayson endorsed particle physicist George Gollin for Congress from Illinois' 13th congressional district. He began his endorsement with a simple statement you can hear all too often from the more educated members of Congress-- Grayson has three graduate degrees from Harvard: "I’m really getting tired of listening to people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

Bill Maher and Bill Moyers Give Fox News Zombies Heart Attacks Over Ronnie Raygun

That Bill Maher video above is one of the best explanations-- especially for young people who didn't live through it-- of the RRR-- the Real Ronald Reagan. We sure don't hear it from Obama… and never will. Tonight, Bill Moyers will tackle the same subject from a more… genteel, less vituperative perspective.

A Philosophy Of Governance-- Why We Help Our Neighbors… Or Not

Generally speaking, states that elect Democrats to public office spend far more money on public education than states that elect Republicans. The half dozen states that invest the least per student are Utah, Idaho, Oklahoma, Arizona, Mississippi, and Tennessee, essentially one-party states with solid GOP control who take all their orders directly from ALEC.

Tom Woods said he won’t have “money cranks” on his show, but why is he having “constitutional crank” David Stockman on his show, who agreed with Bill Maher that “the Second Amendment is bullsh*t”?

I saw that Tom Woods plans to have former Reagan administration official David Stockman on his January 2, 2014 podcast — the same man who agreed with Bill Maher that “the Second Amendment is bullsh*t”. He said he wouldn’t have “money cranks” on his show, in reference to “Greenbackers”, yet he has no problem promoting […]

Right Wing Automaton Mike Huckabee And Benghazi!

When I was growing up, I looked forward to watching 60 Minutes every Sunday. Not so much after I grew up. For me it had lost its relevance some time in the 1980s. I haven't watched it since. So when the whole Lara Logan kerfuffle exploded, we didn't cover it here at DWT and I only followed it second and third-hand in news reports about how CBS-TV had allowed one of their reporters to twist a Benghazi story into deceitful right-wing propaganda that fit her own political agenda and then gave her a paid vacation to shut the critics up.