Bill Curry

The Worst Person In The World

Friday, Michael Bloomberg was campaigning in front of the Democratic Business Council of Northern Virginia when he assailed Señor Trumpanzee for what he called "a complete failure of presidential leadership" and "totally incompetent management." Addressing the Trump-McConnell shutdown, he added that "The whole episode really is a cynical, political stunt, and, unfortunately, we’re the ones paying the price.

Trumpf Just Blatantly Lies His Ass Off-- Hillary's Dishonesty Is More Sneaky

The Clintons don't seem to get a simple point: Democratic primary voters hate when Democrats attack other Democrats. And now it isn't just Hillary's sleazy team of lobbyists, job-seekers and conservatives attacking Bernie, it's also Hillary herself. she uses the same basic debate tactics Cruz and Rubio use-- maybe she learned them when she was president of the Wellesley College Young Republicans.

Democratic Elites Don’t Want to Hear It, But "Hillary Clinton’s In Trouble"

The famous "Yes We Can" theme, just before its conversion to "No I Won't." Why is this painful to watch? Six years of broken promises and a party-wide TPP cave by its leaders have rebranded Democrats for a generation. by Gaius PubliusTPP and Fast Track may be closing down the show and heading home. We may (or may not) know its fate very soon.

Progressives And The Democratic Party-- A Match Made In Hell?

The party's over..."It's always 'Groundhog Day' for Democratic leaders who can't adjust, can't organize and can't win. Let's dump them." That sounds like pretty standard fare for DWT but it comes from a Salon post by Bill Curry, a White House counselor to President Clinton and a two-time Democratic nominee for governor of Connecticut.

Today's Democratic Party-- Soul On Ice

If you're from Connecticut, you probably remember Bill Curry as a leader of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party and a two-time nominee for governor. Most Americans who know who he is, though, know him for his role as a domestic policy advisor to Bill Clinton. I know the Clintons are very touchy about their sometimes tattered brand and I suspect Bill Curry won't be invited to the Medici Palace when Hillary takes over the world.