Big Oil

Will Senator Whitehouse Renew His Call for RICO Prosecution of Climate-Denying Companies like Exxon?

One of several Frontline videos discussing the blockbuster release of internal Exxon documents showing that global warming could well be real and that Exxon was worried about the effect of this knowledge on their businessby Gaius PubliusI've been writing recently about the blockbuster report by Inside Climate News that Exxon knew, as early as 1977, that climate change was very likely real and that continuing to burn fossil fuels would disrupt the livability of the planet.

They Knew: Exxon's Own Research Confirmed Fossil Fuels' Role in Global Warming Decades Ago

Reporter Neela Banerjee on Exxon and climate change | FRONTLINE by Gaius PubliusAn explosive story reported by Inside Climate News, an award-winning climate organization, and Frontline, reveals that Exxon knew as early as 1977 that earth's climate was being seriously disrupted, and would continue to be disrupted, by carbon dioxide emissions, and yet in the 1980s they pivoted to financing an aggressive climate denial effort anyway.That denial effort continues to this day

Why Did California's Democratic Party-Controlled State Legislature Fail To Pass Real Climate-Change Legislation?

Big Oil and the bipartisan pack of corrupt state legislators their lobbyists buy at bargain prices freaked out over the climate-change legislation that was barreling through the California legislature. Democrats hold 52 seats in the Assembly; Republicans have 28. When lobbyists can bribe enough Democrats to vote with the Republicans, guess what happens?

How Disgust Over The Santa Barbara Oil Spill Could Help Propel Nanette Barragán To Congress

With Janice Hahn leaving Congress to pursue election to the L.A. County Board of Supervisors, a deal was struck to give the seat to crooked, lobbyist-owned state Senator and Big Oil shill Isadore Hall. Virtually the entire California Democratic Establishment has endorsed Hall; exceptions include progressive Congressmembers Linda Sánchez, Lucille Roybal-Allard and Ruben Gallego, plus L.A.

Remember how last night we were talking about right-wing zillionaires and energy giants buying control of our cash-hungry nonprofits?

Do you want to know who made this lovely little documentary about Serge Diaghilev and his Ballets Russes possible?by KenThis is another of those stories you couldn't make up.Last night I wrote a post called "'Why are science museums in bed with science deniers?' (actor-activist Mark Ruffalo)," which I had finished far enough ahead of time (an hour, and maybe even a few minutes more) that by the time it was posting, I was enjoying an episode of DCI Banks on my local PBS station.

Why Democratic Voters Stay Home for Elections -- Ed Schultz Eloquently Discusses a Prime Reason

Of the three pipelinies that have burst in the last two weeks, the latest was in West Virginia. The state's nominally "Democratic" U.S. senator, Joe Manchin, was one of nine "Democrats" who voted for the Keystone XL NoahShortly after the November elections that resulted in a disaster for the so-called Democratic Party, I asked Howie if he thought the Democrats in Congress would ever wake up. It was a rhetorical question.