Big Brother

WH’s New Strategy on Ukraine ‘Will De-Emphasize’ Retaking ‘Lost Territory’ – Report

from Sputnik News: Washington and its allies, who supplied arms to Kiev, have failed to prevent the collapse of Ukraine’s summer counteroffensive. The Biden administration’s new strategy will “de-emphasize” Kiev’s recovery of the so-called “lost territories” this year and instead focus on Washington helping the Zelensky regime survive amid Russia’s ongoing special military operation, the Washington […]

U.N. Report: Freight Through Suez Canal Down 45% After Houthi Attacks

by John Hayward, Breitbart: The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reported on Thursday that the volume of freight passing through the Suez Canal has dropped by 45 percent in two months due to relentless attacks on Red Sea shipping by the Iran-backed Houthi terrorists of Yemen. UNCTAD said 39 percent fewer ships have passed […]

BEWARE, TEXAS!!! Just like the FEDs set up the fake ‘J6 Insurrection’, the explosive border crisis can be……

from State Of The Nation: …….similarly hijacked by the treacherous and traitorous Biden administration to further disparage the MAGA Movement and criminalize all protests against their nakedly treasonous and unlawful alien invasion. TRUTH LIVES on at SOTN Editor’s Note: This Alt Media platform has published several pieces that have asserted that the best defense is […]

Could U.S. get dragged into another endless conflict in Mideast?

from WND: ‘The Houthis are the symptom and Iran is the disease’ The escalating firefight between the Yemen-based Houthi rebels and U.S. forces in the Red Sea is not likely to simmer down until the Biden administration stops a cycle of self-sabotage that could lead to an extended conflict, experts told the Daily Caller News […]