
May Day is International ‘Thank a Worker’ Day

“As far as I’m concerned, those people don’t exist.” — Arizona Republican Governor Jack Williams, telling farm workers they’d be arrested if they were to strike and boycott during harvest seasons (May 1972). May Day harkens back to celebrations of spring, a renewal and fertility. In Rome, I witnessed one such event: the festival of […]
The post May Day is International ‘Thank a Worker’ Day first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Dow Fails to Appear in Court for the Third Time over Toxic Disaster

Leaders of 5 organizations representing survivors of the Dow Chemical (Union Carbide) disaster in Bhopal, India condemned the US government for protecting Dow from ongoing criminal proceedings in the Bhopal District court. Dow Chemical failed to appear in court for the third time recently to account for exposing half a million people to the deadly gas, methyl isocyanate. [1]