BFP Roundtable

BFP Roundtable Video 2– Glenn Greenwald & Checkbook Journalism

Welcome to the second pilot edition of BFP Roundtable. In this episode James, Guillermo and I discuss the controversy surrounding the Glenn Greenwald, Omidyar-PayPal and NSA connections. We talk about the glacial pace at which the Snowden  documents are being released, Greenwald’s book and video deals, the  new news venture with eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar, the things that  Greenwald doesn’t report on, and the public’s tendency to put people  on pedestals. Don’t miss this controversial edition of the BFP Roundtable.

BFP Roundtable Video (Pilot) – Guantanamo, Iran, Open Source & More!

A Brand New Roundtable Discussion Featuring Sibel Edmonds, Peter B. Collins & James Corbett
Welcome to the pilot edition of BFP Roundtable. In this episode Peter, James and I are discussing recent developments on Iran, Open Source, CBS-60 Minutes’ Misinformation Campaign, what we are planning for Boiling Frogs Post, and why we need you. Be prepared, because some of us, all right, maybe one of us, is going to appear way too unplugged!