Beto O'Rourke

Why Do Young People Have Such Contempt For The Republican Party? That's Easy

Last month Paul Ryan's corporately funded, sleazy SuperPAC ran thousands of dollars of really nasty radio ads beating up on progressive Democrat Kara Eastman for having been in a punk band, Pieces of Fuck, when she was in college. Ryan's PAC is desperate to save the Omaha congressional seat-- which is quickly slipping from their grasp-- for failed Trump rubber-step Don Bacon.


I still have some wealthy friends from when I was, as Andy Paley always called me, Corporate Howie. These friends are rich but progressive. I had lunch with 4 of them the other day and they said they'd like to do a fundraiser for Beto O'Rourke. Running in Texas-- with all those media markets-- costs a fortune. When Ted Cruz ran in 2012, he spent $14,031,864-- mostly in the Republican primary. Democrat Paul Sadler spent $510,439.

Want To See Trump Impeached?

The Weekly Standard is a neo-con Republican publication founded by News Corp (Rupert Murdoch) in 1995. Many of their top writers are conservative ant-Trumpers. I'll bet some of them were watching Trump's favorite TV show Wednesday morning, Fox and Friends, when Brian Kilmeade explained how Omarosa "out-smarted" the obsessed Trump. Remember, while normal heads of state are dealing with issues of war and peace and issues impacting the lives of their countrymen, Trump is fighting childish twitter wars with random imbeciles like himself.

The T-Word

Traitor by Chip ProserShould I keep this time slot as a treason space? Like I said, yesterday, this story sure isn't just the regular one news cycle Trump circus. As the New York Times reported yesterday, "While the T-word has been thrown around on the fringes of the political debate about other presidents or politicians from time to time, never in the modern era has it become part of the national conversation in such a prominent way.

Progressive Democrats Help Enshrine "Blue Lives Matter" Into Law

"Hands up, don't shoot" — this is one form of defiance against police at the Ferguson protests. It's only in the context of state-sanctioned murder that a symbolic act of surrender can be taken as defiance (source).by Gaius PubliusThe Blue Lives Matter movement is a political counterattack against the Black Lives Matter movement.

Bill Maher Had Beto O'Rourke On Real Time This Week

Texas' primary was March 6. Incumbent Ted Cruz coasted to victory in the Republican contest-- 1,315,146 votes (85.35%) and El Paso Congressman Beto O'Rourke coasted to victory in the Democratic race, 640,769 votes (61.82%). 1,036,467 people voted in the Democratic primary and 1,540,890 voted in the Republican primary. As of the February 14 FEC reporting date Cruz had raised $17,452,363 and spent $11,906,543 to Beto's $8,708,746 (and $4,168,970 spent). Cruz's war chest, as of that date, has $6,025,231 and Beto's has $4,938,475. Media is expensive in Texas for statewide races.