bernie or bust

Bernie Sanders’ Supporters Prove They’re More Principled Than He Is

(ANTIMEDIA) In a radical show of principle, Bernie Sanders delegates booed the former presidential nominee when he told them to vote for Hillary Clinton at the Democratic National convention in Philadelphia Monday evening — and their protests have continued throughout the event.
“We have got to defeat Donald Trump,” he said to a smattering of cheers Monday evening.

“What Difference Does It Make” – Thoughts on the Non-Indictment of Hillary Clinton

Johnson: No, again, we were misled that there were supposedly protests and that something sprang out of that — an assault sprang out of that — and that was easily ascertained that that was not the fact, and the American people could have known that within days and they didn’t know that.

Sanders Supporters Plan World’s Largest “Fart-In” During Hillary Clinton’s Acceptance Speech

“Trump says very scary things — deporting immigrants, massive militarism and ignoring the climate. Well, Hillary, unfortunately, has a track record for doing all of those things,” she added.
Clinton boasted at a town hall in New Hampshire in November 2015 that, as a senator, she had voted for 2006 legislation that authorized the building of roughly 650 miles of wall on the border.

Journalistic Malpractice – How Hillary Clinton “Clinched” the Nomination on a Day Nobody Voted

Last night, Associated Press – on a day when nobody voted – surprised everyone by abruptly declaring the Democratic Party primary over and Hillary Clinton the victor. The decree, issued the night before the California primary in which polls show Clinton and Bernie Sanders in a very close race, was based on the media organization’s survey of “superdelegates”: the Democratic Party’s 720 insiders, corporate donors and officials whose votes for the presidential nominee count the same as the actually elected delegates.

Chart of the Day – May Registrations for the Libertarian Party Jump 20-Fold

People are going to be pissed off no matter who wins this election and that is a very important social dynamic I believe is vastly under appreciated by the majority of mainstream pundits and analysts out there.  This is also very distinct from the environment that prevailed in 2008.  Four years ago, the financial markets were crashing and the economic future of America was circling the toilet bowl, yet a majority of Americans embraced the potential of a young, inexperienced biracial politician from Illinois who was saying all of the right things.  Despite the gigantic disappoint