Benny Gantz

War Versus Peace: Israel Has Decided and So Should We

So, what have we learned from the Israeli legislative elections on April 9?
A whole lot.
To start with, don’t let such references as the “tight race” between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and his main rival, Benny Gantz, fool you.
Yes, Israelis are divided on some issues that are particular to their social and economic makeup. But they are also resolutely unified around the issue that should concern us most: the continued subjugation of the Palestinian people.

A League of His Own: Netanyahu Dominates an Israeli Election Lacking a Left

JERUSALEM — Israel’s Minister of Justice, Ayelet Shaked, who now co-chairs a new political party called “The New Right” (New Yamin), recently posted a tweet accusing the Israeli right-wing party, the Likud, of being “Left.” As Israel prepares for elections, it seems the most common phrase used to put someone down is that he or she is part of “The Left,” though it has nothing to do with actual left-wing politics — it means weak and unwilling to kill Palestinians.

Benny Gantz Runs on “Heroic” Gaza Slaughters Undertaken at Netanyahu’s Command

JERUSALEM — A dramatic headline in Israel’s daily Haaretz declares that, according to recent polls, former IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz is the first person in a decade within reach of unseating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. To begin with, one might think, “who cares?” So an Israeli general with his hands dripping in Palestinian blood will have his backside in the prime minister’s seat instead of Netanyahu.

Benny Gantz and Israel’s Drive to Become a Modern-day Sparta

With April’s elections looming, sr Benjamin Netanyahu has good reason to fear Benny Gantz, his former army chief. Gantz has launched a new party, named Iaeli Resilience, just as the net of corruption indictments is closing around the prime minister.
Already, at this early stage of campaigning, some 31 per cent of the Israeli public prefer Gantz to head the next government over Netanyahu, who is only months away from becoming the longest-serving leader in Israel’s history.

The Talmud and the Israeli secret police

For the first time in history, all top Israeli secret police posts (Mossad, Shin Bet etc.) will soon be held by Orthodox followers of the Talmud. Forward newspaper reporter J.J. Goldberg explains why Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is packing top intelligence slots with strict followers of the Talmud (Michael Hoffman's Afterword follows this excerpt from Mr. Goldberg's report)A Kippah on the Head of Israel’s Intelligence ChiefOne by One, Top Spooks Replaced by OrthodoxBy J.J.

Israel, US Mulling Training Syria Terrorists with Saudi Arabia

Al-Manar | April 1, 2014

Top Israeli and US military officials discussed on Monday the possibility of “security cooperation” between the Zionist entity and some Arab states in the Persian Gulf.
The New York Times reported that a meeting took place on Monday between Chief of Staff Benny Gantz and Gen. Martin Dempsey, visiting chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in al-Quds.