Belt and Road Initiative

Hussein Askary Discusses the New Silk Road’s Advance Across the Middle East

Anyone looking at a map of the Belt and Road Initiative will notice that Syria, Iraq and Iran’s stability and active participation are vital for this world changing program to function. Anyone not realizing that this program of win-win cooperation is in direct anti-thesis to the neocon paradigm of “a clash of civlizations” would be blind to the very essence of world history and modern events.

Canadian Opposition Parties Fill Anti-China Void Left by Freeland’s Ouster

The major political parties of Canada don’t agree on much, but they have found common ground on one policy: China is evil and any collaboration with this tyranny is an assault on Canadian values.
Previously, this anti-China agenda was reserved for Canada’s prize regime change fanatic Chrystia Freeland, who as Foreign Minister successfully alienated nearly every nationalist government on earth, to the point that China’s foreign ministry cancelled its Ambassador’s role in Ottawa and even ceased picking up Freeland’s phone calls.

Trials and Tribulations of Central Asia Integration

The pros and cons of being the Heartland in the 21st century
Pepe ESCOBAR, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Crossing Tajikistan from west to northeast – Dushanbe to the Tajik-Kyrgyz border – and then Kyrgyzstan from south to north all the way to Bishkek via Osh, is one of the most extraordinary road trips on earth. Not only this is prime Ancient Silk Road territory but now is being propelled as a significant stretch of the 21st century New Silk Roads.

The Middle East’s New Post-Regime Change Future

With the transformation of the rules of the “Great Game” in the Middle East emerging out of President Trump’s recent Syrian surprise pullout and Putin’s brilliant manoeuvres since 2015, a sweeping set of development/reconstruction programs led by China now have a chance to become hegemonic across the formerly hopeless, terrorist-infested region.

The Art of the Flank: India and Other Asian Nations Join the Polar Silk Road

The best partnerships occur when all participants have special talents to bring to the relationship which makes a whole more powerful than the sum of its parts. This is the beauty of the multipolar alliance formed by Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and a growing array of Asian, African and South American statesmen in recent years.

The Battle Over Hong Kong: New Silk Road or New World Order?

To the chagrin of those authors of color revolutions who have invested so much time and energy in their attempts to undermine national sovereignty as seen in Hong Kong today, not only have their plans to overthrow Bashar al Assad, and President Maduro failed, but even their simpler objectives to foment separatist movements among ethnic minorities in China (such as the

Sun Yat-sen’s Advice to Young Revolutionaries: Don’t Be Imperial Stooges

On January 1, 1912 Dr. Sun Yat-sen was inaugurated as the first president of the Republic of China consolidating a decades-long effort to overthrow an ancient feudal order premised upon a hereditary power structure of the “divine right of bloodlines”. Sun’s fascinating life defies any pre-existing categorization as a “socialist” or “capitalist” both schools of which he attacked as fallacies. Also known as the Founding Father of China, Sun is one of the few people revered as a hero of impeccable moral character equally by Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan alike.

The Unipolar Moment Is Over

Something extraordinary began with a short walk in St. Petersburg last Friday.
After a stroll, they took a boat on the Neva River, visited the legendary Aurora cruiser, and dropped in to examine the Renaissance masterpieces at the Hermitage. Cool, calm, collected, all the while it felt like they were mapping the ins and outs of a new, emerging, multipolar world.