Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

Lessons from recent US history

For much of the period since the breakup of the Soviet Union, the US was politically, militarily and economically unchallenged. The US was now the world’s hegemon and, to remain dominant, it couldn’t allow powerful challengers to arise. This goal meant that the US viewed the relationship with nations such as Russia and China as […]
The post Lessons from recent US history first appeared on Dissident Voice.

India-Russia-Iran: Eurasia’s new transportation powerhouses

No longer just an ‘alternative route’ on a drawing board, the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) is paying dividends in a time of global crisis. And Moscow, Tehran and New Delhi are now leading players in the Eurasian competition for transportation routes. Photo Credit: The Cradle Tectonic shifts continue to rage through the world […]

The Russia-China Polar Silk Road Speeds Ahead

Since China’s Arctic extension of the New Silk Road was first unveiled in a January 2018 white paper, a process of Arctic development has been unleashed which represents one of the most important and under-appreciated developments on Earth. Not only will 10 days be saved by goods moving between China and Europe via the Arctic […]
The post The Russia-China Polar Silk Road Speeds Ahead first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Global Inflation and China’s Measures to Stabilize Her Economy

• This article was first published by the International Monetary Institute, China. Under normal circumstances inflation occurs when too many monetary units (US-dollars, Euros, Chinese Yuan) chase too few goods. But we are not living in normal times. To the contrary. We are living in an increasingly divided world, not only in political terms – […]

China:  Seeking Peace and Promoting Development

This was my presentation at a Chongyang Institute’s organized international webinar on 6 May 2022 on the topic of “Seeking Peace and Promoting Development”. The Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies is a think tank attached to the Renmin University of Beijing. ***** In today’s world of regional conflicts, technological upgrading, epidemic stalemate and system reform, […]

Will Ethiopia Become Biden’s Libya 2.0 or a Driver for an African Renaissance?

Many westerners trying to make sense of the events in the “dark continent” of Africa have many barriers standing in the way of their minds and reality. This must be the case, for without such filters of spin proclaiming Africa’s problems to be self-induced (or the consequence of Chinese debt slavery), we in the west, […]

China’s Vision on Common Prosperity

Author’s Note:  This is my presentation at a webinar by the Chonyang Institute of the Renmin University of Beijing. ***** What always impresses me about the Chinese concept of development is the vision for sharing – the intent of sharing wealth and prosperity.  It fits typically the concept of Socialism with Chinese characteristics. This Chinese […]
The post China’s Vision on Common Prosperity first appeared on Dissident Voice.

President al-Assad: Syria is keen on developing relations with China

President Bashar al-Assad made a telephone call on Friday with Chinese President Xi Jinping, during which the two sides discussed the close bilateral relations and means of expanding mutual cooperation. During the phone call, the two sides affirmed the great importance given to develop bilateral relations as President al-Assad considered the relationship with China as […]

Afghanistan: Drug Trade and Belt and Road

All flags are on half-mast in the US of A. The cause is the 13 American soldiers killed in this huge suicide bombing outside Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul on Thursday, 26 August. As it stands, at least 150 people – Afghans, including at least 30 Taliban, plus 13 American military – were killed […]
The post Afghanistan: Drug Trade and Belt and Road first appeared on Dissident Voice.

China’s Post-Pandemic Growth:  Reaching Out and Developing Internal Markets and Well-being

“Post-Pandemic” for many countries, especially western countries, is a dream. The west will have to wake up fast, if it doesn’t want to fall prey to a destructive plan of chaos, unemployment, bankruptcies, and, yes, famine – shifting of capital from the bottom and the middle to the top – and leaving misery at the […]