BBC To Launch Character Assassination Program On Journalists Who Investigated White Helmets’ Links To Al-Qaeda In Syria

BBC Radio 4 are set to release a new audio series, entitled ‘Mayday’, about the notorious ‘White Helmets’ and its late co-founder James Le Mesurier. But what may seem to be a harmless dive into the subject, is seemingly set to include character assassinations of journalists presenting a separate narrative to that of what has Read More...

‘First Day’, the drama about a transgender 12yo, shouldn’t be on the BBC children’s channel. It’s harmful, shameless propaganda

By Debbie Hayton | RT | August 24, 2020

I’m transgender myself but this film is misleadingly telling viewers as young as six that if they are unhappy with their sex then they can choose the other one, and then all will be fine. But they can’t and it won’t, of course.
The transition from primary school to secondary school can be an anxious time for all children, and it is surely a worthy topic for children’s television to cover.

UKC News: Australia Goes Full Authoritarian Over COVID, Vaccine Narrative Falters

In Victoria province in Australia, the government has gone hell for leather to impose one of the most draconian lockdowns yet, over what looks like a marginal amount of serious COVID cases. Meanwhile, the country’s economy continues to crash. In Britain, the BBC tries raise its propaganda game, telling its readers they should prepare for a ‘New Normal’ right through the year 2025.