As US regime-change agency NED admits interference in Belarus, leaked documents also implicate UK Foreign Office

By Kit Klarenberg | RT | May 21, 2021 The full extent of Western meddling in Belarus prior to the country’s contested August 2020 election may never be known. Yet the outlines of a wide-ranging foreign effort to destabilize the government are becoming ever clearer. As RT reported earlier this week, a pair of Russian pranksters posing […]

Government NERVTAG Adviser Appears on the BBC Questioning the Models, Masks, Lockdowns and More

Professor Robert Dingwall, a member of NERVTAG, appeared on BBC Radio 5 this morning to talk about the Indian variant, vaccines, models, masks and lockdowns. This is about as sceptical as you will get on the BBC.
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CIJA Sting Operation Stirs FCDO’s ‘Hotch Potch’ of Spooks

By Vanessa Beeley | UKColumn | April 12, 2021 A recent sting operation carried out by the Commission for International Justice and Accountiblity (CIJA) entrapped an unsuspecting academic member of the Working Group on Syria Media and Propganda (WGSPM) into engaging in a series of email conversations with a fake “Russian agent”. These emails were then supplied to the […]

Questions about BBC producer’s ties to UK intelligence follow ‘Mayday’ White Helmets whitewash

The BBC’s Chloe Hadjimatheou produced a podcast serial designed to rehabilitate the White Helmets’ late, scandal-stained founder, while blaming critics for his demise. Was she a channel for a wider British intelligence operation? White Helmets founder James Le Mesurier falling to his death from the top floor of his Istanbul home in uncertain circumstances in November 2019 created a myriad of extremely serious problems for a great many powerful people.  At the time, the White Helmets’ intimate ties to jihadist […]

CONFIRMED: There Wasn’t A “Whole Ward of [Covid] Children” as Claimed by Laura Duffell of Kings College Hospital.

BBC caught lying again by citizen journalist, Philip Watson: January the 1st 2021 was not a good time for the people of the UK or Ireland. We had entered into yet another lockdown, in the midst of winter with little hope of a reprieve in sight. During this time the news broadcasts were continuously pumping…