The figures that show the real risk of Covid vaccine in pregnancy

By Sally Beck | TCW Defending Freedom | October 12, 2021 SINCE February, the BBC have been urging pregnant women to take the Covid vaccination despite the fact that no manufacturer will complete a trial in expectant mothers before December this year. Instead, British health chiefs have relied on information from women in the US who accidentally […]

BBC Newsnight: the more you watch, the less you know?

BBC Newsnight: the more you watch, the less you know?by Ian SinclairMorning Star3 October 2021 “Watch Newsnight tonight.” This was the response from BBC Newsnight’s Policy Editor Lewis Goodall to someone tweeting on 12 August “Who should I follow to understand the contemporary situation in Afghanistan? Feel like the media in the UK not covering […]

Every US state-funded exposé on the lavish lives of elites is about Russia & Putin, even when he’s not mentioned

By Paul Robinson | RT | October 5, 2021 The powerful are wealthy, and the wealthy are powerful. They’ll also often go to great lengths to avoid paying taxes. Those are the conclusions from some 12 million financial files leaked to reporters last week and covered widely. Known as the Pandora Papers, the revelations were […]

It’s unacceptable that Canada’s military ran a secret psyops campaign to manipulate & control public views on Covid

By Eva K Bartlett | RT | September 28, 2021 The plan, devised by the Canadian Joint Operations Command, relied on propaganda techniques like those used during the Afghan war. What on earth is going on in the upper echelons of Ottawa? High-up elements of the Canadian Forces have been waging psychological operations on the […]

Uncovering the Ignorance of the BBC’s Big Beasts

Uncovering the Ignorance of the BBC’s Big Beastsby Ian SinclairMorning Star25 March 2021 Increasingly shared on Twitter, Andrew Marr’s 1996 interview with Noam Chomsky has become a well-known TV moment for many on the left. Over the course of 30 minutes discussing the politics of the media on BBC2’s The Big Idea, the seemingly unprepared […]

BBC chairman calls for crackdown on speech online

By Christina Maas | Reclaim The Net | September 15, 2021 Richard Sharp, BBC Chairman, is likely to back proposals to increase regulation of the world’s largest social networks and platforms to combat “fake news” and “disinformation.” It is pertinent to ask “urgent questions” about these platforms, since platforms have allowed lies, conspiracy theories, and […]

BBC’s Fake Climate Check On Hurricanes

By Paul Homewood | Not A Lot Of People Know That | September 12, 2021 The BBC’s Climate Check is unsurprisingly about hurricanes, and equally unsurprisingly does not tell the truth: Ben Rich repeats the BBC’s frequent lie, that climate change is making hurricanes stronger, expressed of course in the usual “scientists say” […]

“Big increase in weather disasters over the past five decades” – Claim BBC

By Paul Homewood | Not A Lot Of People Know That | September 6, 2021 This is another fairy tale to scare the kids which comes around once a year without fail: The number of weather-related disasters to hit the world has increased five-fold over the past 50 years, says the World Meteorological Organization. … […]