This perverse ban on ivermectin, cheap and proven to work

By Kathy Gyngell | TCW Defending Freedom | November 23, 2021 GIVEN the feared winter resurgence of Covid infection despite, or because of, the government’s mass vaccination programme, the continued ban on ivermectin in this country becomes ever more perverse. It beggars belief that the British public is still denied access to this proven prophylactic and treatment. If the public […]

BBC Believes a Conspiracy Drives Climate Conspiracy Theories

By Eric Worrall | Watts Up With That? | November 16, 2021 Shadows everywhere: The possibility that people might want to reject climate lockdowns and Covid lockdowns of their own volition does not seem to occur to BBC conspiracy theorists. Covid denial to climate denial: How conspiracists are shifting focus By Marianna Spring Specialist disinformation […]

Emails To BBC Journalist Lebo Diseko re ‘Stitch Up’ of Vaccine Campaigner Michael Chaves

Note: Youtube, in a blatant act of censorship, removed the full interview from my channel. I will try again but have linked to the video on Telegram below. Below are my two emails to BBC ‘journalist’ (I refuse to use that title here without inverted commas) Lebo Diseko after her interview with Michael Chaves, the man who has become a […]

Attenborough and his climate cohorts are scaring the young into mental illness

By David Seedhouse | TCW Defending Freedom | November 10, 2021 THE BBC last week re-published yet another video article – Climate Change: The Facts – featuring David Attenborough. It shows scenes of calamity and collapse and has a single main message: ‘Act now or we are all doomed.’ Despite its title, there is no attempt whatsoever at […]

Media outlets campaign to get Facebook to censor climate “misinformation”

By Didi Rankovic | Reclaim The Net | November 6, 2021 A series of articles have been appearing lately in Big Media, piling pressure on Facebook to step up censorship of what’s considered to be “climate misinformation” on the giant platform. These reports published by the BBC, The Guardian, and The Verge – all citing […]

IEA: More Renewable Investment Required to Stabilise European Energy Markets

By Eric Worrall | Watts Up With That? | October 17, 2021 According to Dr. Fatih Birol, $4 trillion per year of global renewable investment would reduce European dependence on Russian Gas, though Russia is also to blame for the recent energy crisis for not sending more gas. IEA: Green energy needed to avoid turbulent […]

Debunking CIA and MI6 Syria narratives – one by one

Over the next few weeks, I intend writing a series of short articles detailing aspects of Syrian society and the context of the latest destabilisation campaign engineered by CIA, MI6 agencies & supported by allies in Israel, Turkey, EU, Gulf States, NATO. I hope to expose the reductionism that continues to plague the Syria narrative on both sides of the fence - and to bring to light perspectives that have previously been kept from view.

The role of the BBC in the state-sponsored persecution of Julian Assange. Part 1

This is the first of two articles analysing the role of the BBC in the state-sponsored persecution of Julian Assange.  It analyses how the British government used the BBC to present Assange as a criminal following his arrest on 11th April 2019.  It then examines how the BBC helped to control the narratives around the stripping of Assange’s asylum, a violation […]