Propaganda with Professor Hannah Fry – The BBC Pandemic – Part 3

In Part 1 we looked at the propaganda and manipulation techniques used throughout the BBC programme “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry.” In Part 2 we considered the undisclosed conflicts of interest that apparently led some of the BBC’s chosen “experts” to make some misleading statements.
Yet perhaps the greatest single deception of all was in the BBC press release announcing the programme, which read:

UK to reverse “accidental” ban on edible insect farming

Kit Knightly Good news guys, UK companies will soon be free to start producing and selling several species of “edible insects” again. Apparently, one effect of Brexit is that the UK no longer belonged to the European Union’s “novel foods” programme, which approved many varieties of insects for human consumption. Because of this the farming …

The BBC’s “Unvaccinated”: Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest – Part 2

Iain Davis Part II of Iain’s series breaking down the BBC’s “Unvaccinated” documentary – Read Part I here. I speculated in a previous article that the BBC would attempt to establish a narrative that would promote and support the UK government’s proposed Online Safety Act. And that is precisely what it did in its would-be documentary, “Unvaccinated …

The BBC’s “Unvaccinated”: Propaganda with Professor Fry – Part 1

Iain Davis In my previous article I committed the journalistic sin of predicting the future. I anticipated that the BBC’s proposed documentary, “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry,” would be little more than propaganda. The BBC said it would place seven ordinary unvaccinated citizens in a house and then try to convince them that everything they thought they knew about …

NATO-backed network of Syria dirty war propagandists identified

Defaming journalism on the OPCW’s Syria cover-up scandal, The Guardian and its NATO-funded sources out themselves as the real “network of conspiracy theorists.” On June 10th, The Guardian’s Mark Townsend published an article headlined “Russia-backed network of Syria conspiracy theorists identified.” (“Russia-backed” has since been removed). The article is based on what Townsend calls a “new analysis” that “reveals” a “network more than two dozen conspiracy theorists, frequently backed by a coordinated Russian campaign.” This network, Townsend claims, is “focused on the denial […]

Why the BBC’s new “anti-vaxxer documentary” is a complete farce

Iain Davis The BBC is either the worst media organisation on Earth or the best, depending upon your perspective. On the one hand it is a truly world-class propaganda machine. On the other it is completely incapable of challenging government narratives or power because it is effectively a branch of the UK government and is …

The Farcical BBC Promise A Fake Documentary On A Topic They Won’t Touch With A Barge Pole

[ Correction: - I estimated the total number of UK unvaccinated adults to be 11M. This was an error. It is actually 7.6M ]
The BBC is either the worst media organisation on Earth or the best, depending upon your perspective. On the one hand it is a truly world-class propaganda machine. On the other it is completely incapable of challenging government narratives or power because it is effectively a branch of the UK government and is itself beholden to power.