battle for the speakership

Is There A Democrat In Congress More Corrupt Than Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

This morning I got my daily "give me your money" e-mail from one of America's most corrupt politicians, Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). The subject line was "Petition: Clean Up Campaign Finance" and instead of deleting it unopened like I do with 90% of her spam, I opened it to examine the latest hypocrisy from the sleazy New Dem trying to accumulate as much money as she can in a push to bribe fellow Democratic House members to make her party leader when Pelosi retires or when Pelosi and Hoyer retire.

If The Fringe Right Forces Boehner Out As Speaker, America's First Jewish Speaker Will Be One Of The Most Right-Wing Speakers In History

Debbie Wasserman Schultz fancies herself the female Rahm Emanuel in several, mostly dysfunctional, ways. But one has been her determination to be "the first Jewish Speaker of the House." A deal among Democratic caucus members last year seemed to have left that path open for the controversial Wasserman Schultz. But that didn't take a very different possibility into account. No, not progressive fellow Floridians Alan Grayson… Eric Cantor.

Speaker Hensarling?

It isn't easy getting credible and dependable Republican staffers on Capitol Hill to speak with me, even off the record. They're almost as bad as Blue Dogs and New Dems. I lucked out the other day-- with a slightly drunk-- and very horny-- one, who took a shine to my companion and was eager to show how well-connected he is. He seemed a lot more certain than anyone else I've spoken to that Boehner won't be running for Speaker again.

The "They're All Bums" Reaction To The Shut Down Is Off-Base

A few days ago, when Blue America set up an ActBlue page for endangered progressive incumbents in the House, we only found two worthy of endorsing, at least so far. One is our old friend, Carol Shea-Porter, a principled grassroots activist in New Hampshire's swing district. NH-01 has a PVI of R+1 and Shea-Porter has stuck to her guns and voted in accord with her promises to New Hampshire voters when she ran for election.