Battle of Berlin

Kiev seeks prosecution of 94 year old Great Patriotic War veteran

Less than five days before Victory Day, the fascist regime in Kiev is attempting to prosecute a 94 year old veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
94 year old Boris Steklyar fought in the harrowing Battle of Stalingrad and was also present during the Battle of Berlin, the lat stand of the fascist Nazi regime before surrendering on the 9th of May 1945.

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The Battle of Berlin started on the 16th of April 1945. By then it was clear that Nazi Germany was a spent force and would lose the war. The Soviet Army won decisively in the final major battle in the European theatre of war on the 2nd of May 1945. On the 9th of May, Germany surrendered. This day remains the most important day in the Russian civic calendar.
But as the Soviet Army fought the last of the German fascist soldiers, the other allied forces, Britain, America and the Free French, were also racing towards Berlin.