bashar al assad

Bashar Al-Assad Has More Popular Support than the Western-Backed “Opposition”: Poll

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad (C-L) and his wife Asma al-Assad (C-R) posing for a picture with a Syrian man as they attend a Christmas choral presentation at the Lady of Damascus Catholic Church in the Syrian capital on December 18, 2015. © HO / AFP
By Stephen Gowans
In the view of Syrians, the country’s president, Bashar Al-Assad, and his ally, Iran, have more support than do the forces arrayed against him, according to a public opinion poll taken last summer by a research firm that is working with the US and British governments. [1]

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: Portrait of a Backstabbing Pasha

He increases his personal power, but undermines the interests of the Turkish nation and its people.  Erdoğan believes he is the rising regional hegemon, indispensable to the West.  He blackmails the EU for billions of Euros to control the flood of refugees fleeing violence in Syria and Iraq with his promises to warehouse desperate refugees in Turkish concentration camps.  But Europeans must know that their money can never buy trust and loyalty from the Pasha.

James Petras

Two Million Syrian Christian Population Being Exterminated by ISIL

Since the terrorists have swept the secularists aside, Christian Syrians–long protected by Assad—are now being “disappeared” by the millions.  By the millions!  Of the 1.8 million Christians that lived peacefully under Assad before the Arab Spring, only 400,000 Christians still live in intact communities in Syria today. The rest are either dead or fled–we know not where.

It’s time the West joins Russia in protecting Christians in the Middle East
 by William Weding