Bashar al-Assad

75 Years & Counting: A History of Western Regime Change in Syria Part I

Vanessa Beeley Washington and London’s latest war against Syria was incubated in CIA and MI6 offices long before the manufactured “uprising” erupted in 2011. This was not the first time that the US neocolonialist alliance had attempted regime change in Syria. Historian Stephen Gowans writes about Washington’s Long War on Syria in his comprehensive book …

Syrian Civilians Attacked by Terrorists using American Weapons

Vanessa Beeley in Idlib UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres celebrated the extension of a “humanitarian” border crossing at Bab Al Hawa, on July 10th, as a “lifeline for millions of people” – many Syrians would rather describe it as a “lifeline” for Al Qaeda.  On the 15th July I visited Jurin, a village to the …

Afghanistan War Outcome: Hope for Sovereign Nations Fighting the Scourge of Neocolonial Imperialism

Photo credit from the archives of Newsonline Exits of Netanyahu and Trump: chance to dial down Mideast tensions The Iraqi geopolitical analyst, Ali Fahim, recently said in an interview with The Tehran Times: “The arrival of [newly elected Iranian President] Ebrahim Raisi at the helm of power gives a great moral impetus to the resistance […]

Afghanistan War Outcome: Hope for Sovereign Nations Fighting the Scourge of Neocolonial Imperialism

Exits of Netanyahu & Trump: chance to dial down Mideast tensions The Iraqi geopolitical analyst, Ali Fahim, recently said in an interview with The Tehran Times: “The arrival of [newly elected Iranian President] Ebrahim Raisi at the helm of power gives a great moral impetus to the resistance axis.” Further, with new administrations in the […]

“Astana” tour around Syria tomorrow… Sources of the “Syria Documentation Center” reveal the most prominent files on the agenda of the conference.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, the Kazakh capital, “Nur-Sultan”, will host the 16th round of the Astana track talks on Syria. A diplomatic source stated that the Syrian state will participate in the conference along with the three guarantor countries, “Russia”, “Iran” and “Turkey”, in addition to the presence of a delegation from the Syrian opposition, and the […]

The Syrian war is over: now what?… Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator The US and EU are holding 13 million Syrians living inside Syria as hostages to their project to effect ‘regime change’ in Damascus. Western and European governments have continued to ignore the reality on the ground. The Syrian government remains in control of the majority of the territory […]

“That Is Actually Bollocks”: 20 Propaganda Horrors From 20 Years of Media Lens (Part 1)

After 20 years of Media Lens, it seems only natural that we should look back in gratitude at the support we’ve received. In response to one of our early pieces, a kindly columnist at the Observer commented: ‘Dear David, ‘Thank you very much for sending me a copy of your piece, which strikes me as […]

Embassy reopening’s in Damascus as Syria returns to normalcy… By: Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Foreign embassies are reopening in Damascus, Syria.  Many shut down after the armed conflict began in 2011.  A handful of embassies remained open throughout the conflict, such as China, Russia, Iran, and the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic was the only European Union country to remain steadfastly […]