Bashar al Assad’s

379 to 223 for more war… Cameron wins the vote to bomb in Syria but not the argument

We reap what we sow. And many people here are genuinely anxious about what might happen next. ISIS reprisals in our cities? More horrors, this time for British travellers?

by Stuart Littlewood
David Cameron came to the Commons today with his master-plan for confronting ISIS, having told his MPs: “You should not be walking through the lobbies with Jeremy Corbyn and a bunch of terrorist sympathiser.”

Changing Alliances and the National Interest in the Middle East – An Analysis by Lawrence Davidson

General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991

By aiding groups like al-Nusra, the Israelis have forfeited any claim on American sympathy (unless, of course, your a U.S. politician who has been captured by the Zionist lobby).


NATO Wages Desperate Last Battle in Northern Syria

by Tony Cartalucci
(NEO)  -  The small northwestern Syrian town of Kassab, located directly on the Syrian-Turkish border, has turned into a pivotal battleground between Syrian security forces and armed militants backed by the Turkish military. The clashes grabbed headlines last Sunday when Turkey shot down a Syrian warplane conducting airstrikes along the border as the militants crossed over into Syrian territory.