
India/Pakistan Heats Up- Is Trump/USA Needed to Keep Peace In Asia?

This morning there are claims and counter claims. Pakistan claims it shot down two Indian jets. India is denying Pakistan’s allegations.  Apparently there is video of an “angry mob” and some hapless pilot being rescued. ( I don’t put much stock in that type of ‘proof’ it’s too easy to fake)*9:00 am UPDATE: FAKE NEWS: Pakistan media's tweets about captured pilot is actually from Aero India show

Pt: 1- History is Written By the Winners.Always.

Following on the theme started with the previous post: A Fresh Look at the French Revolution- The Liberals vs the People. Where we all learn of an alternative history to the French revolution. One that sees the masses enraged, group of fighters/rebels fight against the republic for years afterwards. Only to be massacred by the state. None of which was mentioned in the usual history booksIt should be clear that History is written by the Winners/Victors.

To Unlock The Diplomatic Riddle Behind the Khashoggi "Murder"- Look to Syria

The headline has been altered from the original. Mystery has been changed to riddle.Why? Though mystery and riddle are close in meaning it seemed to me that the word riddle better represented the idea that Robert Fisk was putting forth. Mr Fisk may beg to differ, but, based on my reading of his piece.. riddle was the better word choice.