
More Interesecting Strands: Epstein, Safra, the Maxwell's and more Oligarchs

Brief Recap:After coming upon a Vanity Fair article that reported the contact information for Edmond Safra appeared in Jeffrey Epstein’s “black book” my background research began. This took us all  into the roots of the Magnitsky act. That act was signed into law by Mr Hope and No Change Obama. back in 2012.

Intersecting Strands: Epstein, Lazard, Safra, Browder, Magnitsky & Berezovsky

 In trying to keep this post to a readable length I'm going to break it into 2 partsAs mentioned in yesterday's report, Epstein, Lazard & Banker Contacts Including Edmond Safra (Russia/Browder/Magnitsky) one name included in the "black book",  that of Edmond Safra, took me back in time.  Back to 2011, when a few of us got together and worked on this articl

Big Oil Lobbying for a Carbon Tax- The Green of Money

Big Oil has NEVER been opposed to the carbon control agendaI will repeat this statement of fact... Big Oil has NEVER been opposed to the carbon control agenda. They were always going to profit from the agenda through higher energy prices. Getting more for less.  Therefore they were not in opposition Covered this in 2015- 4 years ago