
Goldman Sachs: Creating the Next Generation of Conservation Finance

 We’re led to believe that the “green” agenda and the capitalist agenda are at odds with one another- People really shouldn’t believe such silliness.  Yah, I know places like the Guardian (Ending climate change requires the end of capitalism. Have we got the stomach for it?)  tout this perception management rhetoric, but, it’s not true. Factual.  Or Correct.

Cruise Missiles Used in Saudi Oil Facility Attack? US Weapons Did NOT Protect the Facilities Effectively

There is stringent security present around these facilities!  How did they not see the drones?How did the American military miss the drones flying in from more then 1000 kms away? The American military is based in Saudi Arabia alongside Saudi forces. Possibly near the oil facilities? How did the drones get past them?

Saudi Oil Attack: Is this the Big One? If it is, who is it the "big one" for? ARAMACO's Pending Stock Offering?

Considering multiple scenarios about the Saudi attack while not discounting the possibility the Houthi fighters may have pulled this off.  Maybe? However, Saudi Arabia employs some very stringent security around it’s facilities. So questions have to be asked.Link    

Laying Jeffrey Epstein to Rest. Frank E Campbells Funeral Home- "The Promise That Secrets Will Be Kept"

 There are two additional updates to this report that indicate Mr Epstein had been laid to rest a few days after his demise. Jeffrey Epstein’s body was claimed 5 days ago. As reported. By his brother, Mark Epstein. Surely this man would have made burial/final arrangements for his brother almost immediately upon learning of his death?- Scroll down for more information regarding funeral arrangements.August 15/2019- Jeffrey Epstein's Body Claimed        

Updated! Jeffrey Epstein: Died by His Own Hand- The Struggle for FACTS Has Apparently Ended?

 UPDATE: The latest reporting included a statement (written?) states Epstein died by his own hand...

Barbara Sampson, the chief medical examiner, said in a statement on Friday that the determination of suicide had been made after a “careful review of all investigative information, including complete autopsy findings”. 


Epstein Intersections:Robert Maxwell’s FBI File- Highly Redacted

Very quick recap: I’ve been following the Epstein, Safra, Browder, Russia plunder strand, which did indeed connect into Sir Robert Maxwell via daughter Ghislaine. But quite likely, in my opinion, directly to Robert Maxwell himself.Robert Maxwell definitely connects into the plunder Russia crowd.   I happen to agree with an opinion espoused by WizOz that the plunder of Russia most likely figures large in the Epstein's mysterious wealth. And the accumulated wealth of many others.

Don't Be Surprised When the Jeffrey Epstein Smoke Clears

 You and I can count on the smoke to clear and the case to largely disappear.  Until next summer that is. When the case is set to pick up again- After the defense reviews the documents. When readership/viewership will fall away and the 5 eyes media will need to provide advertisers with numbers sufficient to charge exorbitant rates for services.  I'm somewhat doubtful that Mr Epstein is imprisoned at all. And, suspect the story of his injury in jail was provided as fodder for the masses to demonstrate he is incarcerated.