
How And Why An American Military Coup Could Save The World

The US military is one of the few institutions in America that draws its members from all races and religions with blood relatives in all ethnic groups except for Jews. We are under threat of extinction from our self-appointed leaders on Wall street and in the City of London who gave them selves the right to create our money as a loan at interest. This has led to a Mountain of Unpayable Debts. Our economies are near collapse. Banker Occupied Governments see us as an enemy. Their Foundations have done hundreds of studies saying they would be better off without us.

Exposing The "Nazi" Epithet - Who Started It, Why, How, And Who Benefits!

Saturday, April 20th, was the 124th birthday of Adolf Hitler... It is so amazing that even to this day this man is so vilified and labeled as the "Greatest Evil" of history.  Knowing now that our so called "History books" are nothing more than packs of lies and pure propaganda, everyone needs to take the time to do a re-examination of Adolf Hitler and his place in true history...

Banker Occupied Governments Reduced To Desperate Measures.

Robert Mundell is the father of the euro. When he taught at the University of Chicago, he told his students that the euro was never intended to actually work. Its purpose was to fail, impoverish the people of Europe and force them to accept a dictatorship from the unelected European Commission. This is according to Greg Palast of the BBC who attended the University of Chicago.

Video: Criminal Bank Cartel Attack. Sign The End Is Nigh?

On the Friday before Americans had to file their income taxes were due an Investment bank used Merrill Lynch brokerage to sell 3.4 million ounces of gold (100 tonnes). Two hours later 10 million ounces of (300 tonnes)was sold. Of course these were all paper certificates and not physical assets.
This is the third time we have had a 20% drop in gold since 2008.

Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, April 14th, 2013

It is Sunday..... Time for my usual Sunday rant.....I have a question... What the hell has happened to Spring and Springtime weather?   I thought the Global Warming fraudsters and hucksters stated that snow was to be a "thing of the past" as the world heated up according to their twisted logic?   Well, it is mid April in these parts of central Canada, and there is at least a foot of snow still on the ground, and the forecast for tonight is for another WINTER storm to hit these parts along with an additional 5-10 cm of snow to boot!  But I guess I am looking at imaginary white stuff...

From Quantitative Easing To Quantitative Looting And Beyond

Quantitative Easing is best thought of as legalized pick pocketing at a crowded train station. Technically it is defined as the Central Bank buying assets normally held by the 1/10th of 1%. It officially began in Japan in 2001. Thus is what it does:
1) It buys worthless assets held by banks at 100 cents on the dollar. This subsidizes mortgage-backed securities (MBS) which were fraudulent. These purchases allowed the bankers who own the Federal Reserve to avoid doing jail time with common criminals.

Pt.2: Giving Canadians and everyone,everywhere, a Cypriot Style Haircut- “to the wood”

I am strongly suggesting that you all read Part 1,before jumping into this section:

Pt.1: Giving Canadians and everyone, everywhere a Cypriot Style Haircut- "to the wood"


Back to the plan for plunder: the so called budget:“This will reduce risks for taxpayers"How will this reduce risk for taxpayers? Aren’t depositors and taxpayers pretty much one and the same?Of course they are!

Pt.1: Giving Canadians and everyone, everywhere a Cypriot Style Haircut- "to the wood"

This haircut post is in 2 parts. It is lengthy. There are many, many external links. It will take you less time to read this two part post, then it took me to dig all this stuff up, organize and write it all up.Share your thoughts, spread the post if you feel it should be read by othersTogether we can get the real news out. Thanks for reading :)