
ISIS- A US created "stay behind" using Iraqs plundered wealth.

If we understand ISIS to be a left behind army, working on behalf of another master, then the application of  pressure on Maliki & the collusion between the Kurds of Iraq and ISIS makes perfect sense.Where or when did ISI/ ISIS/ISIL get started? Note: I am going to call this Left behind army - ISIS from here on in. Because they are one Army broken down in subdivisions like any standard army- top down organization. So ISIS.

The fall of Mosul. Who benefits and who does not. Updated!

 So, I'm reading on the events in Iraq this morning. The fall of Mosul. Yes, the fall of Mosul!Why? Why now? How?Mosul, Iraq. Bordered by the Tigris, located between Turkey, Iran and of course SyriaSo, a good location if one is planning to attack or further destabilize several nations.Oil rich. Always a benefit. Always a concern to those who wish to control resources globally- NATOBe aware or beware, we're going long and while ambling through the brambles we will meet up with a familiar faceWho benefits?- US, Israel, NATOWho does not benefit?- Syria, Iraq, Iran.

Biden & Kerry nepotism. Profiteering from the US backed coup in Ukraine

According to the NATO media the whole problem in Ukraine is Russia- Yup, it's all bash Russia, all the time.And yet... it was 5 billion US dollars that fomented  the coup. It was F the EU Nuland that handpicked Yats. It NATO affilliated/US/banking interests that groomed Yats. Blame Russia? Absurd Crony Capitalism- In a nutshell collusion/favouritism  between business and state. - Check!Nepotism-  favoritism granted in politics or business on the basis of family relationships. - Check!

Zbigniew Brzezinski-Between Two Ages- America's Role in the Technotronic Era

*Between Two Ages:America's role in the Technotronic Age- Book*If you haven't read it, you may want to. Published around 1970. So, more then 40 years ago? And yet so timely.  Besides the pdf , you may find this piece from 2004 very appropriate for this present day. Thinking of the US moves on Ukraine, of course.The outrageous strategy to destroy Russia- Excerpted from  quite a large article

36 Countries where the US has supported Fascists, Drug lords & Terrorists

And bankers... Salon fails to mention the enrichment of banksters, the banking cartels and the benefit of big business. Whether it be big agriculture, big oil or the weapons makers?  This list is, of course, grossly inadequate- It only mentions 35 countries, I added Ukraine.  Each nation listed below has more information at this link From Argentina to ZaireI am only excerpting from the Salon article:

US is looking into new Syria chemical weapons claim

Is all this going on because today is the 13th?The ‘chemical weapons’ as manipulative tactic? I had hoped would go away, is not.Today there are claims of a chlorine attack. Why would the Syrian government bother with this, when the Syrian Army has the upper hand almost everywhere- If chlorine was used, again, only the NATO mercs have anything at all to gain from doing this   Washington Post is running with the news