
Banksters: Global Haircuts= Global Plunder. Legalizing the theft of your savings.

It's coming. I told you all about it back in 2013.Remember Cyprus? Remember no more bailouts?Just bail ins or "haircuts" Fresh labels don't change the agenda.And the Agenda is stealing your money, my money, everybody's money.Or, if you prefer, the scum at the top will suck up all the money from below. It will all be made nice and legal because the bankster scum is busily making new laws to loot, rob, pillage and plunder your savings.The stench of bankster thievery was entrenched in the 2013 Canadian budget. Readers were informed at that time, this was not limited to Canada.

Steven Poloz- Canada's Central Bankster should work for free!

After all he should walk his talk? But he won't. Cause he is an elitist power that shouldn't be.I had seen this news yesterday and had intended to post it- So here it isUnlike the paid mouthpiece from the National Post- I DO NOT believe his comments were well intentioned. He is one of the 'entitled' leeches on society.

Africa- Past and Present: AIDS, Banksters, CIA, CULTS, EBOLA & Hollywood

Ebola- It's been in the news lately In case you haven't noticed?AIDS - Also originated in Africa. Allegedly?CIA - A continuing evil in the worldCULTS: make me think of CIA/MKultraBanksters- Same as the CIAHollyweird- Managing your perception. Always. In cahoots with CIA and Banksters.Using Glenn Close, the actress, as our starting point and going full steam from there !Recall William T Close?-  We met William T Close in this post- Glenn Close raised in a cult?!

James Bond (Bankster) & the Killer Bag Lady? CIA/Bankers/Mkultra

 CIA/Bankers/MkultraThose three things belong together. Those three things are kinda' the same ... and now it's time to play the game!  What do these three things have in common?Answer: Together they form the basis for much of the Military/Industrial/Terror/ Banking ComplexState sponsored terror, patsies dupes and useful idiots, lots of graft, war and big profits.Of course we are supposed to believe that the mkultra program went away... Personally, it would seem to me that it never did.

East Mediterranean Gas: what kind of a game-changer?

A 37 page pdf, that you can read through in under half an hour.Stumbled across this today.  Excellent reference.Good for getting a sense of what's at stake in this part of the world. Ya know, why all the interest?Though the East Mediterranean is quite far  from the US, the US is going to embed itself in the region for many years to come.  Clearly these 'game changer' gas reserves are a big part of the reasoning. It certainly isn't ISIS or humanitarianism or even terrorism.

The Typical Household: Now Worth more then 1/3 Less (36%)

Short on time today so just this tidbit.  I call this stating the obvious. Too late.The masses (95%) have lost one third of their wealth. The upper echelons have increased their wealth substantially in the same period of time. 14% on average. With the 1% benefiting even more! Which makes the case that the elites have indeed vaccumed up the wealth from the lower 99% .Trickle down has always been nonsense.