
Private Central Banks Working Together to assist US Federal Reserve

 Gazing into my crystal ball................As you read this article below it should be quite clear that the ECB stimulus, Canada’s Central Bank rate cut and the Swiss decoupling from the Euro were ALL moves undertaken to enable the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates down and the US dollar high! Swiss shocker!? Swiss National Bank moves to Ditch Euro Cap- Sending Shockwaves?

Greece: Exit Polls Indicate Big Win for Syriza

Because we can't forget about Greece!The latest and a relink.The Latest!-Exit polls signal big Syriza win

 The polls indicate that Syriza took between 36% and 38% of the total vote, with the ruling New Democracy party a distant second with 26%-28%.

It is unclear whether Syriza has enough votes to govern the country alone. Syriza's Alexis Tsipras has pledged to renegotiate Greece's debt arrangement with international creditors.

EDC's cause Oxidative Stress in Mother & Child- Raising Disease Risk- The Chemical Manipulation of Humanity

Today, while checkin' out the news... I happen to notice, the chemical manipulation of humanity kind of news, flying right under the radar. As usual.There was a grand total of just over 12 news articles available on this latest research. Yup, the coverage on EDC's, chemicals that are altering our DNA, sickening & destroying humanity,  are only worthy of just over 12 articles? 

Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein, Alan Dershowitz & those underage sex slaves...

BTW: I have just updated this post- scroll down to read Anyone notice that Prince Andrew's  predilection for pedophilia is back in the news? Scummy Royals! And all their sick friends. Jimmy Saville  doesn't stand out in this crowd of evil psychopaths. Those we revere and allow to lead us? Like the so called 'royals'? What in the hell is royal or regal about them? Nothing. It's just your indoctrination...