
Ireland Jails 3 Top Bankers over 2008 Collapse — the Opposite of What the US Did

(ANTIMEDIA) “By means that could be termed dishonest, deceitful and corrupt, they manufactured 7.2 billion euros in deposits by obvious sham transactions,” Judge Martin Nolan of Ireland said as he convicted three top bankers on Friday for their role in the 2008 financial crisis. They are among the first in the world to be sent to prison for their involvement in the global meltdown eight years ago.

Saudi Arabia Taps Big Banks To Sell First Ever Global Bond Issue


DUBAI—Saudi Arabia has hired J.P. Morgan, HSBC and Citigroup to help sell its debut international bond, a person familiar with the matter said on Sunday, as the kingdom seeks to shore up its finances hurt by low oil prices.

Saudi Arabia has already secured a $10 billion loan from a consortium of international lenders in April and has sold debt to its domestic banks.

Jay on Tragedy & Hope 3: Stalin, Hitler, Illuminism & the Occult Empire (Half)

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
Lecture 3 of my series on the entirety of Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope takes us into the period of the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Stalinism, as well as the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. In this talk, I cover Quigley’s thesis, as well as my own insights about the occult dimensions of these buildups (he leaves out).

Fort McMurray's Singin' & Dancin' African Firefighters Are Going Home...

 Because their exploitation became public. Notley`s saving face- though she`s an obvious liarAnd I`ve nothing good to say about the NGO that brought them here- for profit!When I first read the news of the South African fire fighters brought into Fort McMurray to help fight the fire- it was OBVIOUS to me and should have been OBVIOUS to everyone that Alberta's government had intentionally brought in foreign workers- Displacing Canadians who could easily do this work, with training.

Darwinism and its Mongoloid Mutations Refuted

I've been wanting to get this info up, so finally, here it isAn excellent read from Jay Dyer @ Jay's Analysis.My personal take on Darwin ? Just another elitist pushing another elitist agenda.Keep an open mind, please. Read the whole piece entirely. I printed it up for ease of reading because, believe it or not, I hate reading at the computer. Truly!

Jay Dyer on Tragedy & Hope 2: Golden Bank for International Shakedowns (Half)

Jay Dyer
21st Century Wire
This is the first free hour of my second talk on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, where we cover the next few chapters dealing with World War I and the reparations on Germany as a cloak for Global Government by the true “Inner Circle” of Illuminists and a one world order through the BIS, and the lead-up to World War II.