
‘Wolves of Wall Street in a Trumpster Paradise’ – By Dr. Leon Tressell…

 I recently spoke with Dr Leon Tressell, a historian of geopolitics and expert on the ‘bankster crime wave’. Instead of trying to summarise or repackage his material, I’ve decided – with his full permission – to fully reproduce the text of an article he recently published for SouthFront; it includes his interview with Helen Chaitman about the biggest […]

Euphrates (Tabqua) Dam, in Syria, at Risk of Failure- Oroville Dam Karma?

This is one I’ve been following for a while now, but have been tardy in getting the news posted.Same scenario as Mosul Dam- the flooding of “biblical” proportions would cleanse the area of an Arab population the Kurds/US/Israel have no tolerance, no love, for. All the while ensuring rich rebuilding contracts.Any damage that may have occurred presently is most probably from coalition (US) airstrikes- The localized flooding may be due to US proxies “ISIS” terrorizing the locals which works out very well for the YPG/PKK.

Isac Bowman - Money Power: Globalism & Economics - Hour 1

Ålandic economist Isac Boman is the author of Money Power: A Force for Freedom or Slavery?. Boman’s original book on monetary theory is based on his Master’s thesis at Åbo Akademi University in 2015, which he wrote while working as a back-office manager at the Bank of Åland. Currently, he is mainly seen as a columnist for Nya Dagbladet – one of the more prominent non-establishment media platforms in Sweden.

TRUMP’S White House In-Waiting, Part I: Corporate Strike Back & the Coup of the 1%…

Now that the electoral college has has confirmed Trump’s presidency and his inauguration approaches, I wanted to address the shape of the incoming Trump administration, the dangers, the sensibilities. And why there is legitimate, palpable reason for concern and anxiety that isn’t anything to do with being ‘liberal elite’ or ‘lib-tard’ or whatever dumb labels anti-progressives […]

Pepe E: Who Profits From Turkey's Sarajevo Moment? CyberHeist Via SWIFT Turkey's Akbank

As of right now..I would say this is a Gulen/CIA cooperative assassination.Below is a comment I left at Saker's- Personally speaking his analysis was, in my opinion, disappointing-  Perhaps I expected too much?You can read it for yourself  here Make up your own mind. *After my comment I will be relinking a news article I had bookmarked but hadn't used.Though it is in the comment section of the previous post- **After that news article there will be an oped from Pepe Escobar Penny

AGW ? Fall Ice Wine Harvest- Cold in India, Cold in Calgary the UK and November Snow in Tokyo

When AGW was a spin fail- It was rebranded to “climate change” which is truly a statement meaning... nothing. Climate always changes.. Always has, always will. Which is why I stick to AGW- Anthropogenic Global Warming- As originally billed.  AGW is A FAILWhile it’s not officially winter here yet...Winter kicks off December 21st. The solstice.  The weather we’ve experienced?  Brutally cold  for this time of year! Temps well below normal- getting very little media coverage, of course!