
No Good Evidence that Children Benefit from Screen Time

None at all. And there never has been. From the TV screen to the iscreen there is no evidence of benefit from the idiot device. You know why that is? It’s quite simple- We are not computers. We are not machines. Despite the lies of Richard Dawkins and others of his ilk. We are flesh & blood humans.  Our cohorts- Our equals. Our kind are other humans. Not computers.

OIT- Interview F. William Engdahl- Round Table, World War & Gods of Money

Where to begin with this one?First of all... Thanks again to Tim Kelley, from Our Interesting Times, who is an excellent interviewer.  A very informative, listen more then once, kind of information packed historical/ present day chat- This is related to a concept I haven't been able to quite put my finger on, or organize, regarding the Atlantacists, Five Eyes, the Brexit and NATO's attempt to crush Europe.

New Politics of Our Times and Post-Capitalist Futures

An earlier version of this essay was published in Outlook magazine “The young students are not interested in establishing that neoliberalism works – they’re trying to understand where markets fail and what to do about it, with an understanding that the failures are pervasive. That’s true of both micro and macroeconomics. I wouldn’t say it’s … Continue reading New Politics of Our Times and Post-Capitalist Futures

Russia Preparing For Potential Removal From International Banking System

(MPNIn 2011, a Swiss study confirmed what many already knew or suspected: bankers run the world. The study, completed by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, found that “a large portion of control flows to a small tightly-knit core of financial institutions,” essentially forming a network of global corporate control.