
Chemicals Banned in Kids’ Toys Found in Mac and Cheese

Boxed macaroni and cheese is often a favorite food among youngsters, but a recent study suggests the packaged food contains dangerous, endocrine-disrupting chemicals that have been banned in toys: phthalates. [1]
Phthalates are a group of toxic additives in plastics. They’re used to make plastics soft and flexible, and are commonly found in artificial fragrances, inks, coatings, adhesives, and other consumer and industrial products, the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) explains.

129 Nations Work To Approve Nuclear Weapons Ban

Israel’s Sorek nuclear reactor center near the central Israeli town of Yavne.
After protracted international talks, an estimated 129 nations are prepared to sign a global ban on nuclear weapons, the first ever such treaty and the first multilateral nuclear disarmament treaty in more than 20 years. Unfortunately, it won’t involve any actual disarmament.

UN Urges Action as Microplastics in the Ocean Outnumber the Stars

If you’ve ever laid on a blanket and looked up at the night sky, you know how mind-blowing it is to consider the sheer number of stars in our galaxy – between 100 and 400 billion, according to scientists. Now, think about how heartbreaking it is to find out that there are more microscopic pieces of plastic in our oceans than there are stars in the Milky Way. [1]
Source: National Ocean Service

EPA Won’t Ban Chlorpyrifos Pesticide Despite Proof that It’s Dangerous

Chlorpyrifos is a pesticide that has the potential to harm both children and farm workers, but the EPA – the same agency that drew these conclusions – says it will not ban the chemical.
On March 26, 2017, EPA chief Scott Pruitt rejected his agency’s own chemical safety experts who, under Barack Obama, had recommended that chlorpyrifos – one of the nation’s most widely used insecticides – be permanently banned from agricultural use nationwide because of the danger it poses to farm workers. [1]

Iranian Actress Boycotts Oscars To Protest Trump’s Travel Ban

Actress Taraneh Alidoosti poses for photographers during a photo call for the film Forushande (The Salesman) at the 69th international film festival, Cannes, southern France, Saturday, May 21, 2016. (AP/Joel Ryan)
(REPORT) — The Iranian star of the Oscar-nominated film The Salesman on Thursday said she would boycott the awards in protest at President Donald Trump’s “racist” ban on Muslim immigrants.