Badger cull

In Defence of Life: Standing up Against the Lust for Culling Wildlife

Early in 2013 I thought I had reached a low point as I reacted to the way the animal-loving British elite happily slaughtered anything that got in its way. The most visible sign of its lust for ‘controlling’ wildlife by culling has been the project to kill badgers on the poor excuse that they are responsible for all the bovine TB in cattle.

Badgering UK’s Environment Secretary

Prime Minister David Cameron has just carried out a sweeping and fairly vicious Cabinet reshuffle.  So many of the old guard gone, some resigning and some sacked, swept aside to make room for young women, or “Cameron’s cuties” as they are known.  With an election just a year away it looks like he’s panicking, and is hoping that a youthful government will appeal to the younger voter.

Police, Guns, Action

The British government’s policy to rid England’s cattle of bovine TB by culling badgers is unravelling, falling to pieces bit by embarrassing bit as more information is disclosed. Last year’s pilot culls were meant to test whether killing badgers by controlled shooting would be “effective, humane and safe”. Not safe for badgers but for the public trying to prevent the killing.