
The Power of Amla: Excellent for Treating Diabetes, Boosting Heart Health, & More

In the ancient science of Ayurveda, doctors often prescribe Indian Gooseberry, also known as Amla, or Amalaki (scientific name Phyllanthus emblica). The rejuvenating fruit has many uses; among them, the powerful fruit, full of B and C vitamins as well several other exceptional phytonutrients, helps to decrease blood glucose levels in diabetics and lower cholesterol.

How You’re Probably Chewing and Drinking Yourself Sick

The correct process of eating has been handed down by indigenous cultures to subsequent generations throughout the ages. Unfortunately, these common sense ‘rules’, which had been followed for millennia until the modern era, are no longer observed by most people.  The ensuing imbalance and excess throughout the GI tract has been a contributing factor to various modern-day ills and ailments.