
The Internet Sent 161 of Her Favorite Shirt to Girl with Autism

Deborah Skouson called to her Facebook friends to help her out after a minor emergency. Her daughter, Cami, who has autism, is fixated on one particular shirt – a pink short-sleeved cotton tee with flower designs all over it. Cami had recently worn out the top, and it had been discontinued. Skouson asked her friends online if they could help track down an exact replica of the shirt, and in kind, she was sent 161 shirts. It’s safe to say that Cami won’t be wearing them out any time soon. [1]

A Young Man’s Obsession with Disney Helps him Thrive with Autism

By the time Owen Suskind was 3 years old, his parents knew their lives would be anything but typical.
Owen had seemed “normal” up until that point, when his motor skills suddenly deteriorated, and he lost the language he had attained. He was diagnosed with autism, and Owen’s father, Ron Suskind, said it was like “Someone kidnapped our son.” [1]

Teen with Autism Receives 10,000 Birthday Cards

Hallee Sorenson, who has autism, had her 18th birthday party at a bowling alley. The excited teen was ready for all of her friends to show up and wish her well, however she was devastated when not one person showed up. Instead of spending her 18th birthday party socializing and eating cake, she spent her special day crying.
Hallee’s cousin, Rebecca Guildford, was heartbroken for her relative. She said, “Hallee is funny, sweet, caring, smart, an athlete, a jigsaw puzzle champion, a wonderful student, and a best friend to all.”

Schizophrenia and Autism Linked to Low Levels of B12 in the Brain

Researchers have found a common denominator in the brains of people with schizophrenia and autism: low levels of vitamin B12.
For the study, researchers examined the brains of those who have already passed away, with age ranging from the beginning of birth to 80 years old. Researchers found that vitamin B12 levels were 10 times lower in the oldest people compared with the youngest, indicating that levels decline consistently over the course of many years.

Pennsylvania Becomes 24th State to Legalize Medical Marijuana

After the state House voted in favor of the medical marijuana bill, marijuana activists were biting their nails for fear the Senate would find a way to slow or stall the bill, but the bill passed last week.
Supporters knew they’d been successful, as Governor Tom Wolf had vowed to sign it into law. And the governor did not disappoint. Wolf signed the bill on Sunday, making Pennsylvania the 24th state in the nation to embrace marijuana as a legitimate form of medical treatment.
Wolf said: