
Meet Emily Voight, Single Mother Of Three-- And Progressive Democratic Candidate For A Flippable Wisconsin Assembly Seat

 Wisconsin's 3rd Assembly District is on the northeast banks of Lake Winnebago, south of Green Bay and includes parts of Outagamie and Calumet counties, including areas of Appleton, Menasha, Kimberly, Little Chute, Combined Locks, Harrison, Sherwood and Forest Junction. The district went for Trump in 2016 but swung blue in their spring's super-charged Supreme Court race. Jill Karofsky won most of the district-- all but the very rural red precincts.

FLASHBACK: When the MMR Autism Controversy Began

Do vaccines cause autism? It’s a well-known fact that autism rates have risen rapidly over the past 30 years. For children born in 1992, according to the CDC, about 1 in 150 would be diagnosed with some form of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). For children born in 2004, about 1 in 68 children would be diagnosed with ASD. Some have claimed that these spikes in this debilitating condition correlates with the an aggressive program of potent vaccinations for young children.

Beware of THIS Kind of Person…

Nina from Inside the Mind of a Human Predator joins me to discuss human psychology and maladaptive traits noticeable in that section of the population known as the narcissistic psychopath.  The narcissistic pscyhopath is not a large portion of the population, but often makes up the upper “1%” as those with no qualms with morals and taboos are much more likely to engage in underhanded methods – but it goes much deeper – the NP feeds on your time, energy and identity like a psychic vampyre!


TEKWARS – KantBot – On Orthodoxy, MK Ultra, and Cybernetics feat. Jay Dyer (First Half Preview)

I was honored to be featured on the popular Tekwars Podcast:
***This is only the first half, you can listen to the full version, along with our backlog of all past and premium episodes now by subscribing to TekWars at***
We talk to Jay Dyer about catholic orthodoxy, then get into mass mind control through corporate media, which leads to the discussion of cybernetics.

THX 1138 & Demolition Man – Primal Edge Health & Jay Dyer

#THX1138 #demolitionman #movies
In the next movie analysis stream we finally cover Long-requested analyses of THX 1138 and Demolition Man! The 70s meets 90s cheese in this dystopia fest that will blow the neon yellow out of your Snipes Fro and smear other such fluids all over your overalls, should you forget how to use the three sea shells.

VIDEO: ‘Hands – The True Story of a Mother & Her Son’

Every year thousands of mothers experience their healthy child slip away into an autistic abyss. It’s agonizing and heartbreaking. They know the cause, but are often ridiculed and demeaned if dare speak up.
This is the true story of my friend April and her son, Aydan.
I was inspired by her story so I wrote a poem about it. Because art can sometimes reach people in ways conversation, debate and presentations cannot.