
OCLA Statement on the Government’s Use of the Emergencies Act

The Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA) condemns the federal government’s use of the Emergencies Act (formerly the War Measures Act) to dispel peaceful protests in Canada. Peaceful protest and civil disobedience are essential in a democratic society – without these mechanisms of peaceful expression, demonstration, and opposition there can be no democracy. There is no […]

Shotgun Science and Bio-Colonialism

Introduction As an Ottawa resident and an anarchist, it seems to me that an ultra-leftist analysis at ground zero of this thing is fundamentally necessary, specifically concerning the Canadian Government’s draconian get vaxxed or get fired policy. Having walked the congested downtown of Ottawa, it’s clear that this is an issue that transcends the political […]
The post Shotgun Science and Bio-Colonialism first appeared on Dissident Voice.

The Fear Not to Be

This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the theologian Paul Tillich’s famous book, The Courage to Be.  Widely read in the days when an educated public read books, it is long forgotten.  In it, Tillich surveys the history of anxiety and fear and their relation to courage, religious faith, and the meaning of life.  His […]
The post The Fear Not to Be first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Punishing the Unvaccinated: Europe’s COVID-19 Health Experiment

Forget any notions of juicy carrots; the stick approach of savage punishment is in vogue with the Greek government in pushing vaccination rates.  It is far from the only one.  Across a number of countries in Europe, governments wishing to drive up levels of COVID-19 vaccination have decided to abandon suasion and the generous supply […]

Covid-19 Fallout: “There is something terribly wrong with this country”

As November 5 neared, I did something cliché but nonetheless powerful. I re-watched the film, V for Vendetta. It always resonated with me in a variety of ways. During Occupy, it felt omnipresent due to the endless sea of masks. But in 2021, it plays like a documentary. Another cliché perhaps but I challenge you […]

Debunking CIA and MI6 Syria narratives – one by one

Vanessa Beeley Audio Version New Feature! The UK/US deep state talking points about Syria are familiar. The President is a “tyrant”, the state is “authoritarian”, “political prisoners” abound and the nation is a “police state”. These reductionist labels stick. They stick because regime change-pushing media outlets repeat them ad nauseam until they are absorbed into …