Austrian economics

KOL305 | Disenthrall: Libertarian Law Debate on Social Media Bans with Kinsella Knight and Smith

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 305. I appeared today on the Youtube channel, host Patrick Smith, along with Keith Knight. We discussed whether social media bans and censorship is a breach of contract, and related issues. Related material: A Libertarian Theory of Contract: Title Transfer, Binding Promises, and Inalienability, Journal of Libertarian Studies 17, no. 2 (Spring […]

KOL298 | We Are Libertarians 457: Path to Libertarianism

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 298. This was my appearance on We Are Libertarians, host Chris Spangle, Ep. 457, part of their “Path to Libertarianism” series. From their shownotes: “Chris Spangle speaks to scholar Stephan Kinsella about his path from Objectivism to anarcho-capitalism, why intellectual property laws conflict with property rights, and gives an excellent […]

KOL297 | Bitcoin Audible Chat #46 – Intellectual Property in the Age of Bitcoin

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 297. This is my appearance on Guy Swann’s Bitcoin Audible podcast, Chat#46. From his shownotes: Stephan Kinsella joins us today for a fascinating discussion on the morality and concept of property in the digital age. Is it possible to own Bitcoin? Do we legally own it, or are we simply […]

“Knowledge, Calculation, Conflict, and Law” (1999)

Stephan Kinsella, “Knowledge, Calculation, Conflict, and Law” (review essay of Randy E. Barnett, The Structure of Liberty), Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 2, no. 4 (Winter 1999): 49–71 [pdf]. To appear in Law in a Libertarian World. The second edition of Barnett’s book, published in 2014, concedes one of my criticisms (of his use of […]

KOL280 | Fallible Animals Ep. 12: Property Rights, Argumentation Ethics, and Praxeology, with Logan Chipkin

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 280. This is my appearance on the Fallible Animals podcast, Episode 12: Property Rights, Argumentation Ethics, and Praxeology with Stephan Kinsella (Apple podcasts; Spotify version; Youtube version embedded below), with host Logan Chipkin.  From Logan’s shownotes: “Joining me today is patent attorney and libertarian theorist Stephan Kinsella. Mr. Kinsella is the […]

KOL276 | La Sierra University: Abolish Intellectual Property Law

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 276. This is my speech delivered for the Troesh Talk, part of the Business Colloquium course, at the Tom and Vi Zapara School of Business at La Sierra University Nov. 12, 2019. I was invited by Associate Dean Gary Chartier, who runs the Colloquium. The audience consisted mainly of business and […]

KOL275 | Did You Know Crypto Podcast, Ep. 54: You Don’t Own Your Bitcoin

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 275. This is my appearance in Episode 54 of the Did You Know Crypto Podcast, with host Dustin Dreifuerst. We talked about ownership of bitcoin and related issues.  As Dustin summarized in his show notes: Stephan and I talk about… Ownership, Control & Property as Legal concepts Why you cant actually […]

KOL274 | Nobody Owns Bitcoin (PFS 2019)

Kinsella on Liberty Podcast, Episode 274. [Update: For an article based on the transcript, see “Nobody Owns Bitcoin,” (Sept. 20, 2019) Update: See KOL395 | Selling Does Not Imply Ownership, and Vice-Versa: A Dissection (PFS 2022).] This is my presentation to the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Property and Freedom Society on Sunday, Sept. […]

Porkins Policy Radio episode 182 Call in show on Sudan uprising, 9/11 exploitation, Assange and more

This week I opened up the phone lines and did a call in show. We had friend of the show Jon Gold call in to discuss the recent attacks on Ilhan Omar and the continued exploitation of 9/11 trauma. Jon talked about the recent spate of politicians and media figures invoking 9/11 and the “Never Forget” mantra to score political points. Later Kai called in to talk about the political situation in Sudan. We discussed the recent coup which has removed long time leader Omar al- Bashir, and the grassroots protest movement that fomented this change.