
The Authority of the British Monarchy in Australia Continues to Fall

On August 2, 2022, a scandal occurred in the Senate of Australia – the upper house of parliament. One of its members, a representative of the Green Party Lidia Thorpe during her taking the oath of office as a senator called the British Queen Elizabeth II, who is the formal head of Australia, a colonizer. […]

The Failings of Westminster: Scott Morrison’s Shadow Government

Why the sharp intake of breath, the tingling shock?  In one of the world’s most secretive liberal democracies, the revelation that the previous Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison ran a shadow government overseen by personal quasi-despotic whim spanning several ministerial positions has caused chill and consternation.  That’s not the way we do things – except […]

Stumbling Surveillance: The end of the COVIDSafe App

It took a few years of tolerable incompetence, caused fears about security, and was meant to be the great surveillance salvation to reassure us all.  Instead, Australia’s COVIDSafe App only identified two positive cases of infection during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and failed, in every sense of the term, to work. Launched in April 2020, this […]
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Going Global with NATO

Regional alliances should, for the most part, remain regional.  Areas of the globe can count on a number of such bodies and associations with varying degrees of heft: the Organization of American States; the Organisation of African Unity; and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.  Only one has decided to move beyond its natural, subscribed […]
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Chegg, Cheating and Australian Universities

The note on Radio National’s Background Briefing on the morning of July 31 was sombre.  A student, who did not divulge his real name (he is professionally pseudonymised as Ramesh), talks about services that aid him in his study. Aid is less accurate than do – given that he is working gruelling night shifts in […]
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Penal Assassination: The Gradual Effort to Kill Assange

They really do want to kill him.  Perhaps it is high time that his detractors and sceptics, proven wrong essentially from the outset, admit that the US imperium, along with its client states, is willing to see Julian Assange perish in prison.  The locality and venue, for the purposes of this exercise, are not relevant.  […]
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Gilding the Cage of Suburbia: Farewelling Neighbours

The statistics of Australia’s longest running drama series about sickeningly idyllic suburbia will interest soap show boffins.  It lasted 5,955 episodes over 37 seasons, starting in 1985.  Its anaemically thin plotlines, subpar acting, and emphasis on ideals bound to cause indigestion, did not prevent Neighbours from being mandatory viewing.  Neighbours was, especially for British audiences, […]

Facial Recognition Technology Down Under

The language is far from reassuring.  Despite being caught red handed using facial recognition technology unbeknownst to customers, a number of Australia’s large retail companies have given a meek assurance that they will “pause” their use.  The naughty will only show contrition in the most qualified of ways. It all began with an investigation by […]
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Scott Morrison Awaits the Apocalypse

The minds of defeated prime ministers are rarely pretty.  In some cases, they are damnably awful places, where ruins accumulate and dust gathers in wretchedness.  Such figures can become, by the admission of former Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, miserable ghosts, cantankerous, bitter and resentful.  Then come some, such as Malcolm Fraser, who have healthy […]
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AUKUS, Technology and Militarising Australia

Thinktanks across Australia, tanked with cash from US sources and keen to think in furious agreement, are all showing how delighted they are with the AUKUS security pact and what potential it has for local, if subordinated industry.  The United States Studies Centre, a loudspeaker for Washington’s opinions based at the University of Sydney, has […]
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