Austin Frerick

The DCCC Doesn't Define The Democratic Party The Same Way Most Democrats Do-- And That's A Big Problem

Over the weekend Nomiki Konst highlighted an excerpt from Donna Brazile's book that explains how the political establishment advances the financial disfunction of the Democratic Party. Konst is, in effect, explaining the DCCC's shameless jihad against working class candidates while recruiting hopeless and generally wretched self-funders.

Does Monsanto WANT To Kill You? Probably Not... But They Don't Care If They Do, As Long As They Profit From It

Last week, Valerie Brown and Elizabeth Grossman, writing for In These Times reported on how Monsanto has captured the EPA (and twisted Science) for it's own corporate ends. Their concern is primarily health issues around glyphosate, the world’s most widely used herbicide and the primary ingredient of Monsanto's Roundup.

We Need To Get Some Millennials Into Congress-- But Good Ones

Last year, just after the general election, writing for Bloomberg, Dave Merrill and Yvette Romero explained how millennials haven't been able to crack Congress. "In 2016, millennials surpassed baby boomers as the nation's largest living generation," they wrote. "Yet for all that voting power, millennials are still woefully under-represented in Washington.

The Trump/Ryan Tax Cuts For The Rich Take From The Middle Class

Zero Humility by Nancy OhanianBefore Trumpanzee started demanding Ryan call his tax bill, "The Cut Cut Cut Act," Chuck Todd had reported that House Republicans were facing a major disadvantage with their tax plan, even before they delayed the rollout of their bill until today, namely that "their plan starts out underwater, according to

Time For Democratic Candidates To Stand For Something Voters Want-- Meet Iowa's Austin Frerick

Austin Frerick is a 27 year old candidate for Congress, running for the Iowa congressional seat held by Paul Ryan rubber stamp David Young. The district, stretches from Des Moines across southwestern Iowa to Council Bluffs and the Omaha suburbs. It includes 16 counties though most of the votes come out of Polk (Des Moines), Pottawattamie (Council Bluffs), Dallas (Adel) and Warren (indianola) counties.