
Dear Mr. Putin…

Americans see the fire and smoke in Odessa and we know that our government is lying. We know the truth about our government; it is not a government of all. It is a vampire called empire. It has an insatiable thirst. We Americans are already being ravaged by the fire and the smoke of our empire
“A point comes when caution ends and cowardice begins.” -Eldridge Cleaver.

Time to Raise Political Asylum Quotas for Americans?

Here is Where the USA Should Top the List: the International Quota for Political Refugees
I don’t know how you feel about surveys, ranking or indexes, but whether you follow them or not, you must be aware of how we’ve been falling steadily as a nation. Those of you who follow lists-surveys and global indexes, let’s admit it- as a nation we have not been going up on most global ranking lists – in fact, just the opposite.

Time to Raise Political Asylum Quotas for Americans?

Here is Where the USA Should Top the List: the International Quota for Political Refugees
I don’t know how you feel about surveys, ranking or indexes, but whether you follow them or not, you must be aware of how we’ve been falling steadily as a nation. Those of you who follow lists-surveys and global indexes, let’s admit it- as a nation we have not been going up on most global ranking lists – in fact, just the opposite.