
Ecuador May Soon End Asylum for Julian Assange

Julian Assange is in immense danger. Remarks made this week by Ecuador’s foreign minister suggest that her government may be preparing to renege on the political asylum it granted to the WikiLeaks editor in 2012 and hand him over to British and then American authorities.
On March 28, under immense pressure from the British and U.S. governments, Ecuador imposed a complete ban on Assange having any Internet or phone contact with the outside world, and blocked his friends and supporters from physically visiting him. For 46 days, he has not been heard from.

Can You Visualize Trump And His Kakistocracy Seeking Asylum In Russia?

How this Trump thing is going to finally end is anybody's guess. The worst and most destructive way would be a second American Civil War. Too far-fetched? He and his inner circle-- including his children-- are headed for indictments, possibly prison sentences for the cronies and kids. Is a plateful of them headed to Russia seeking political asylum more far-fetched? Unimaginable?

Cuba Asserts Its Right To Protect US Political Prisoners

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parilla addresses the media during a news conference in Vienna, Austria, June 19, 2017. (AP/Ronald Zak)
Cuba defended its sovereign right to grant protection and asylum to U.S. dissidents, civil rights fighters and persecuted persons, rebuffing the demand of U.S. President Donald Trump that the Caribbean nation returns so-called U.S. “criminals” to the country as a precondition for the resumption of neighborly relations between the long-time foes.

Mexican Official: Trump’s Plan To Deport Non-Mexicans To Mexico Is A ‘Non-Starter’

Detainees sleep in a holding cell at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection processing facility, Wednesday, June 18, 2014, in Brownsville,Texas. (AP/Eric Gay, Pool)
(REPORT) — Mexican officials have flatly rejected the Trump administration’s plan to deport to Mexico migrants caught illegally crossing the U.S. southern border, regardless of nationality.

Trump Plans To Deport Anyone Crossing Border Illegally To Mexico, Regardless Of Nationality

A group of immigrants from Honduras and El Salvador who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border illegally are stopped in Granjeno, Texas.
(REPORT) — Buried deep in the Trump Administration’s plans to round up undocumented immigrants is a provision certain to enrage Mexico 2014 new authority for federal agents to deport immigrants caught crossing the southern border to Mexico, regardless of where they are from.

Kremlin Denies Claim It Considered Giving Snowden As ‘Gift’ To Trump

A sticker calling for asylum for Edward Snowden seen in Berlin. (Photo: Tony Webster/flickr/cc)
(REPORT) — Amid reports that Moscow is considering handing over NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden as a “gift” to U.S. President Donald Trump, a Russian government spokesperson said Monday that the Kremlin and the White House have not discussed the matter, Russia’s state TASS agency reported.