
Antichrist Spirit – Apocalypse – American Horror Story 8

Oriignally, I stopped at season 1 of American Horror Story, but the show took a decidedly Antichrist and occult bent more recently, illustrating the summation of all the seasons into a single hidden narrative about the birth and coming of the Antichrist. Since this relates to films and shows we’ve done before, as well as to chapters in my books, I have decided to cover the first episode of the new season.

Intelligence Veterans Plead for Humanitarian Asylum for Julian Assange

For six years, WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange has been effectively imprisoned without charges at Ecuador’s London embassy. In that time, two international courts and dozens of respected legal and human rights organizations have decried actions of the UK, US and Swedish governments that confine the journalist in what now amounts to torturous isolation, deprived of space, sunlight, visitors, communication with the outside and necessary medical care.

Republican Lawmaker Kevin Yoder Sneaks New Asylum Rules into Budget that Will Destroy US Borders

Republican Representative Kevin Yoder  advanced an amendment that would nullify AG Jeff Sessions' decision to stop granting asylum to people who claim asylum from gang and domestic violence, essentially throwing US borders wide open to hundreds of millions of migrants from Latin America.  [...]

The US Ruined Their Countries, Now Trump Calls Them “Animals” and Sends Them Back

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS — Late on the evening of June 28, 2009, two days before voters were scheduled to go to the polls to vote on a referendum amending the Honduran Constitution, army officers forced President Manuel Zelaya — wearing only his pajamas and slippers — to board a military airplane for Costa Rica.

AG Sessions: Domestic Violence and Gang Violence No Longer Qualify as Reason for Asylum

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions told immigration judges that domestic violence and gang violence will no longer qualify as reasons to grant asylum to immigrants. He stated that asylum was never meant to alleviate all serious problems that people have every day all over the world. This order closes a loophole that was used by the recent caravan of immigrants from Central America who demanded asylum based on gang violence. [...]

Survivors of Domestic and Gang Violence Will No Longer Qualify for Asylum

In just the latest addition to the Trump administration’s mounting collection of “cruel” policies aimed at closing off the nation to refugees and asylum-seekers, Attorney General Jeff Sessions released a new Justice Department guidance on Monday declaring that migrants will no longer automatically qualify for asylum if they present concerns of domestic abuse or gang violence.

Ecuador Hints It May Hand Over Assange

Part of the "Collateral Murder" video that Chelsea (then Bradley) Manning gave to WikiLeaks. It's worth watching to the very end. Two staff members from Reuters news were among those murdered on the street, along with others from a van shot up while trying to collect the wounded. Visible in the van were two children, who were also wounded. "Well, it's their fault for bringing their kids to a battle," says one of the Americans doing the shooting.