Astana conference

Russia’s ‘constitution’ for Syria (FULL TEXT AND ANALYSIS)

Since shortly after the Syrian peace talks began in the Kazakh capital Astana rumours have circulated that Russia proposed at the conference a ‘draft constitution’ for Syria.
Rumours about the contents of this ‘draft constitution’ have spread widely, with concern widely expressed that Russia might be seeking to impose its ideas on the Syrian people in quasi-colonial fashion, and that Russia is overreaching itself.

Astana talks prove that the West is losing influence in the Middle East

On January 25, The Financial Times published an article on the role of Western countries at the Astana negotiations. Author Erika Solomon writes that Western diplomats could do absolutely nothing to influence the negotiations and “found themselves relegated with journalists to the plaid-carpeted Irish Pub of a hotel in Kazakhstan.”

Syria ceasefire conference in Astana an important step towards peace in Syria

It was the first time the opposition was brought to the table. The sides were able to include an effective role of Tehran and Ankara as guarantors, with Moscow, of the negotiations, and this contributed to the success of the talks. The sides say they are ready to start drafting a final peace agreement which, however, cannot be implemented without a number of conditions.

Russian brokered conference to end Syrian war opens in Astana

The peace conference, which is supposed to agree a settlement of the Syrian conflict, began today Monday in the Kazakh capital of Astana.
The conference began with the usual frosty exchanges between the representatives of the Syrian government and of the Jihadi groups who have been invited to attend the conference, and who have agreed to do so.  Each side – equally predictably – has also refused to meet and engage with the other in direct talks.

In the last few hours of Barack Obama’s reign, Palmyra’s monuments are destroyed by ISIS

In the last few hours of Barack Obama’s Presidency, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has remarked on what represents the final destructive puzzle piece in the failed US President’s blood soaked legacy.
Reports from Syria indicate that part of the façade of the ancient amphitheatre in Palmyra has been destroyed by ISIS who re-took the city during the Syrian Arab Army’s victorious battle against terrorists in eastern Aleppo.

CONFIRMED: Russia formally invites US to join Syrian peace talks in Astana

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has today confirmed that the Russians have extended an invitation to the US to join the Syrian peace talks in Astana, which is due to start on Monday.
It is not yet certain that US President Trump – due to be inaugurated tomorrow – will accept this offer, but the likelihood is that he will.