
Deluded Britain Rows in Behind U.S. Gunboat Diplomacy on China

America’s trusty British lieutenant has weighed in to stoke tensions in the South China Sea with reports that Britain is to deploy its two new aircraft carriers to the Pacific region. The carrier strike groups which include frigates, destroyers and nuclear-powered submarines, are to join with U.S. and Japanese warships to conduct naval drills.

Is China the New Indispensable Nation?

Usually when there are protests, however minor, happening in a nation that has run afoul of the United States the “International Community” and “Human Rights Activists” rally to push for regime change. However, now that there are mass protests exploding over the United States these types of voices are completely silent. American police are free to destroy CHAZ and other camps however they see fit. This is the power of America, however this time around there sure are a lot of red flags and Communist sentiments in the mouths of the protestors.

Washington Prefers to Ignore the Pandemic and Ramp Up Confrontation

Here is a quotation that might sound familiar: “I’m the commander, I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the President. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.” It is understandable when people say they think these words were spoken by Donald Trump, but in fact they were said by George W.

Why the West Is Not the Best When It Comes to COVID-19

East Asia fares significantly better in terms of the impact of COVID-19 than the West. Although the virus is believed to have originated in East Asia, as of May 22, 2020 no East Asian nation was among the first ten countries in number of total cases of COVID-19. No matter what type of rule – democratic or autocratic – the numbers of total cases and deaths per 1 million of population in East Asian countries are significantly lower than in the West despite huge population density.

Why East Beat West on Covid-19 (Part II)

It is abundantly clear that East Asia has managed the Covid-19 crisis far better than the West. So what is behind this glaring differential?
The first part of this two-part series made statistical East-West comparisons, then dived into culture and communalism, attitudes toward authority, rights to privacy, and differentials in recent historical and epidemic experience.