Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Geoffrey Hinton, AI, and Google’s Ethics Problem

Talk about the dangers of artificial intelligence, actual or imagined, has become feverish, much of it induced by the growing world of generative chat bots. When scrutinising the critics, attention should be paid to their motivations. What do they stand to gain from adopting a particular stance? In the case of Geoffrey Hinton, immodestly seen […]

Housing-Education-Health Care: Universal Rights!

Think “out-of-this-universe” rights (Universal Rights, my ass), hint hint, chuckle chuckle. Universal Rights Given to Us By Whom? In USA? This is a joke beyond jokes. I was at a Chamber (local) meeting with 50 folk. Yesterday. Yeah, jolly jolly, out to a community college room, with pastries from the local bakery, and people there […]

ChatGPT: Boon for the Lazy Learner

Inside the beating heart of many students and a large number of learners lies an inner cheat. To get passing grades, every effort will be made to do the least to achieve the most. Efforts to subvert the central class examination are the stuff of legend: discreetly written notes on hands, palms and other body […]
The post ChatGPT: Boon for the Lazy Learner first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Distract, Divide, and Conquer

Step away from the blinders that partisan politics uses to distract, divide and conquer, and you will find that we are drowning in a cesspool of problems that individually and collectively threaten our lives, liberties, prosperity and happiness. These are not problems the politicians want to talk about, let alone address, yet we cannot afford […]
The post Distract, Divide, and Conquer first appeared on Dissident Voice.

What Does “Real” Mean in an AI World?

The images in this post are not photographs taken at a recent party for relatively well-off white people. These people do not exist. Rather, they were created by an artificial intelligence platform called Midjourney. Remember these images whenever the “news” or some other “official” entity shows you photos or videos that you’re supposed to trust […]
The post What Does “Real” Mean in an AI World? first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Eric Schmidt: A Conflict of Interest

Ethics and Eric Schmidt are rare bedfellows.  The former Google/Alphabet CEO/Chairman exudes a sense of predatory self-interest, always making the point that what he wants aligns with what is supposedly good for the United States. He has splashed money on numerous projects, including such artificial intelligence outfits as Rebellion Defense, all the time maintaining uncomfortably […]