
Russia and Iran sign defense deal, ‘may resolve’ S300 missile delivery issue

RT | January 20, 2015 Moscow and Tehran have signed military cooperation deal that implies wider collaboration in personnel training and counter-terrorism activities. It may also resolve the situation concerning the delivery of Russian S300 missiles, Iranian media reported. Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu and his Iranian counterpart Brigadier General Hossein Dehghan, signed the document […]

Anti-nuclear MPs debate Trident, call renewal ‘waste of money’

RT | January 20, 2015 The future of Britain’s nuclear deterrent was debated in Parliament on Tuesday, hours after a Scottish opinion poll found nearly half of Scots oppose renewing the Trident program. Parliament’s debate on Trident comes weeks after the Ministry of Defence (MoD) published a report revealing the cost of the program’s “assessment […]

US plans to deploy armored brigade to Europe ‘pre-date’ Ukraine hostilities

By Robert Bridge | RT | December 31, 2014 By the end of next year, Washington plans to station about 150 tanks and armored vehicles in Europe, according to a US military commander, who said the decision was made before the Ukrainian crisis strained Russia-US relations. Although no official announcement has been made as to […]

‘US military hardware will cause more bloodshed in Ukraine’ – Russian senator

RT | December 29, 2014 The possible relocation of US hardware from Afghanistan to Ukraine suggested by President Obama will only lead to more casualties, a senior Russian lawmaker has stated. “Russia cannot be content with such plans as they would increase the tensions near our borders and also inevitably cause more casualties in Donbass,” […]

Nuclear ultimatum: Scottish National Party challenges Labour on Trident

RT | December 16, 2014 The Scottish National Party (SNP) will only support a Labour government in a hung parliament after the May 2015 general election if they agree to scrap Britain’s nuclear weapons program, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said. Sturgeon ruled out a formal coalition with Labour, but suggested the SNP would support […]

Ready-to-fire nuclear weapons pose ‘accidental launch’ risk – former defense chiefs

RT | December 8, 2014 Cross-border action to lower the risks posed by an intentional or accidental nuclear attack is “insufficient,” international military, political and diplomatic officials have warned. Ready-to-use nuclear arms leave states vulnerable to accidental nuclear strikes, while insecurely stored stockpiles could potentially be targeted and stolen by terrorists, the European Leadership Network […]

Neocon propagandist frets over Russia’s ‘weaponization of information’

By Maidhc Ó Cathail | RT | November 26, 2014 There was a strong whiff of hypocrisy in the Washington air on November 13 when the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) hosted a discussion of a report entitled ‘The Menace of Unreality: How the Kremlin Weaponizes Information, Culture, and Money’. The Menace of Unreality is […]

‘Anti-nuclear’ Obama plans to spend $1 trillion on nukes

RT | September 22, 2014 Despite campaigning on a platform that endorsed having “a nuclear-free world” in the not so distant future, United States President Barack Obama is overseeing an administration that’s aim has taken another path, the New York Times reported this week. On Sunday, journalists William Broad and David Sanger wrote for the […]