
OSCE neglects its mandate in Ukraine – Moscow

RT | February 25, 2015 The OSCE monitoring mission in Ukraine is not fulfilling its mandate to monitor the implementation of the ceasefire, Moscow charges. The monitors complain that they can’t verify withdrawal of weapons without additional data. In its latest report, the mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), said […]

Revolving door between arms dealers & govt exposed

RT | February 16, 2015 Arms manufacturers currently have dozens of employees seconded to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and other British government agencies, an investigation has discovered. The revelations highlight the close relationship between business and government, especially in highly lucrative industries such as the arms trade. Employees from BAE Systems (manufacturers of the […]

Kiev MPs try to fool US senator with ‘proof’ of Russian tanks in Ukraine

RT |February 13, 2015 MPs in Kiev hoodwinked a US senator, presenting his office with photos of columns of Russian military hardware allegedly roaming Ukrainian territory. The photos turned out to have been taken during the conflict in South Ossetia back in 2008. The photos were “presented to the Armed Services Committee from a delegation […]

Munich conference: Russia ‘hate fest’ or split between Western allies?

RT | February 8, 2015 World leaders gathered in Germany to discuss international security on Saturday, with the meeting somewhat descending into ‘Russia-bashing’. But the West showed itself to be more divided than ever on Ukraine, with the EU and US drifting further apart. The Americans led the harsh anti-Russian rhetoric at the conference, and […]

Kiev takes path of war, selective approach to condemning civilian deaths – Churkin

RT | January 27, 2015 Ukrainian authorities are not making any efforts to hold a national dialogue, and are instead opting for military pressure and the isolation of eastern regions, Russia’s UN envoy said, accusing Kiev of being selective over which civilian deaths to mourn. “This whole time Kiev was preparing for war. And they […]

American instructors to train Ukrainian troops this spring – US general

RT | January 23, 2015 US soldiers are to be deployed to Western Ukraine to train the country’s National Guard, said the commander of the US Army in Europe during a news conference in Kiev. The US also intends to sponsor the production of Ukrainian light armored vehicles. The exact number of American troops heading […]